- National traditional Mysical 民族传统体育
- As a kind of spirited folk customs, taboo is a part of national traditional culture. 禁忌作为一种精神民俗,是民族传统文化中的一个组成部分。
- Based on SWOT analysis method, National traditional sports development comprehensively has its strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats. 摘要SWOT分析表明民族传统体育发展优势与劣势并存、机遇和威胁同在。
- Therefore it is necessary to study his views on the Book of Changes in order to excavate and sort out the treasure of our national traditional culture. 因此,研究鲁迅对《周易》的看法以及他从《周易》出发,整理、掘我国传统文化的宝藏非常重要。
- National tradition is the origin of cultural connotation in design. 民族传统是设计文化内涵的渊源。
- The leading product traumatology department meets the blade for the national traditional Chinese medicine protection product. 主导产品伤科接骨片为国家中药保护产品。
- In 1953,the first traditional ethnic sports show and competition was held in Tianjin,known as the First National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meet. 1953年,在天津举办了全国首次民族传统体育表演及竞赛大会,即第一届全国少数民族传统体育运动会。
- In 1953, the first traditional ethnic sports show and competition was held in Tianjin, known as the First National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meet. 1953年,在天津举办了全国首次民族传统体育表演及竞赛大会,即第一届全国少数民族传统体育运动会。
- It's of affirmative significance for modern children education by inheriting and developing national traditional games of minorities, including Oroqen Nationnality. 传承并发展包括鄂伦春族传统游戏在内的民族传统游戏对当今儿童的教育具有积极意义。
- Chinese cuisine is a treasure of Chinese national traditional cultures, worldwide famous for its complexity, refinement, extensiveness and profoundness. 中国烹饪是中华民族传统文化的瑰宝,素以复杂精妙、博大精深闻名于世。
- Ethnology has been variously defined in different national traditions. 由于不同的民族传统,民族学有着各种不同的定义。
- You get to insult people and defend yourself by saying it's national tradition. 你侮辱别人后为自己辩护你可以说这只是我们的传统习惯!
- Colorful silk balls are traditional national traditional of the Zhuang nationality. 摘要绣球是壮族传统的民族手工艺品。
- The construction structure of our national traditional storage property industry is unitary; the technology is backward. The degree of management socialization and scientification is low. 我国传统仓储物业建筑形式单一,技术落后,管理社会化、学化程度低。
- The national traditional art is the treasure of Chinese nation,inheriting and developing national traditional art is the requirement of times and is also the only way to improve art teaching. 传统民族艺术是中华民族的瑰宝,继承和发展传统民族艺术既是时代发展的要求,也是高等院校进行设计艺术教学的必经之路。
- With the 2008 Olympic Games approaching, the national traditional handicrafts has a bright future, and the sales channels and sales opportunities looks like increasing unlimitedly. 随着2008年奥运会的临近,民族传统手工艺品的前景一片光明,销售渠道和销售机会呈现无限上升的势头。
- Through questionnaire and interviewing, the article investigates the current situation of national traditional sports of Kirgiz nationality. 摘要通过问卷调查法和访谈法对新疆柯族民族传统体育活动开展的现状进行了调查。
- In the era that culture agitates each other, every country has to face the challenge about pluralism and globalization, as well as the friction between the national traditional culture and modernized. 在这个多元文化相互激荡的时代,各国都面临着多元文化与全球化,民族传统文化与现代化的挑战。
- Regong culture that accumulated in yellow river drainage basin is a national traditional folklore with rich Tibetan Buddhism colors and that mainly stresses on Buddhism Tangka and figure sculpt. 摘要当今世界,开发独具特色的民族文化资源,打造民族文化品牌,已成为人们的共识。
- Our newspaper is a national newspaper. 我们的报纸是全国性的报纸。