- National Drug Code Directory 全国药局代号检索, 全国药物编码薄
- Does the company have a U.S. Food &Drug Administration assigned National Drug Code (NDC) or National Health Related Item Code (NHRIC) Labeler Code ? (企业是否具有美国食品和药品管理局分配的美国药品代码NDC或美国健康产品代码NHRIC的标签号码?)
- The proposal would change the system FDA uses for assigning a drug listing number (the National Drug Code, or NDC), to marketed drugs, and would require drugs to display the NDC code on their label. 修订将改变FDA目前使用的对上市药品分配药品编号(即药品代码,NDC)的系统,今后会要求在标签上标明该药品代码。
- national drug code 国家药物药码
- A drug with content not up to the National Drug Standards is a drug of inferior quality. 药品成份的含量不符合国家药品标准的,为劣药。
- And enabled governments to address weak aspects of their national drug control systems. 使各国能整治本国毒品控制系统的薄弱环节。
- Both Prescription Drug and Nonprescription Drug have gotten the approval from national drug supervisory authorities. 处方药和非处方药不是药品本质的属性,而是管理上的界定。
- The government inspectorate represents the enforcement arm of the national drug regulatory authority. 药政机构的检查部门是国家药政机构实施法规的武器。
- A drug name listed in the National Drug Standards is an adopted name in China. Such an adopted name is not permitted to be used as a trademark. 列入国家药品标准的药品名称为药品通用名称。已经作为药品通用名称的,该名称不得作为药品商标使用。
- The contents of browser definition file directories are compiled, therefore they should be protected in the same way as any other code directory in the application. 浏览器定义文件目录的内容是经过编译的,因此保护它们的方式与保护应用程序中任何其他代码目录的方式应该相同。
- Which brings us to Item Two, namely, the current odd ad campaign sponsored by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. 这刚好带出了第二点,即美国国家药物控制政策办公室近期一系列奇怪的公益电视广告。
- And supervisory management board of national drug provision is curule and successive fall horse, provided fresh case for this one viewpoint. 而国家药品食品监督管理局高官连续落马,为这一观点提供了鲜活的案例。
- And, this week, President Obama nominated the police chief from Seattle as the new director for the Office of National Drug Control Policy . 本周奥巴马总统任命西雅图警署局长为国家麻醉品控制政策办公室新任主管。
- National Drug Co code for experimental substances 全国药物公司实验物质的代号
- Apollo Muhairwe, Executive Secretary of Uganda's National Drug Authority, says his agency is charged with ensuring only safe, quality medicines are available in his country. Apollo,乌干达国家药品局执行秘书,说该局的主要职责就是只确保安全、质量合格的药品进入其国家。
- The Pharmacopoeia Committee of the department of the State Council administering health is the body responsible for handling the setting and revision of national drug standards. 国务院卫生行政部门的药典委员会负责组织国家药品标准的制定和修订。
- The drug regulatory agency of the State Council shall organize a pharmacopoeia commission, which shall be responsible for formulating and revising the National Drug Standards. 国务院药品监督管理部门组织药典委员会,负责国家药品标准的制定和修订。
- Gil Kerlikowske, chief of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, says more people are dying in the United States from drug overdoses than from gunshot wounds. 全国毒品管制政策局局长克利考斯基表示,目前美国死于药物过量的人数已经超过死于枪伤者。
- Almost 95% of Western police forces polled last year by the National Drug Intelligence Centre cited methamphetamine as the most serious drug problem in their area. 去年,在由国家毒品情报中心开展的调查单中,还有将近有95%25的西部警察将冰毒列为辖区的头等毒品问题。
- Strong fat Yunnan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is taking the lead in the first through the National Drug Quality System seriously, access to GSP certification operating businesses. 强发药业有限公司是云南首批率先通过国家药品经营质量体系认真,获得GSP认证资格的经营企业之一。