- Natural Medicine Introduction 天然药物概论
- R&D of novel antifungal natural medicine. 新型广谱抗菌天然药物的研发;
- The main introduction of the company cures with maintain our skin with the natural medicine - Aloes. 网站设置有:公司简介、产品信息、最新消息、皮肤治疗中心、参与我们、联系我们等链接。
- Natural Medicine Chemistry is an important course of Pharmaceutics. 天然药物化学课程是药学专业中一门重要的基础课程。
- The web page provides information of Natural Medicine and Natural Medicine Services Provided at CMRS. CMRS向妇女提供最好的天然药物服务,以及中医妇科护理服务。
- Hydroxyl radicals scavenger DMSO and natural medicine gypenosides prevented the effects of oxygen free radicals. 电解灌流液的作用可被羟自由基清除剂甘露醇、DMSO抑制。
- Natural medicinal herbs make excellent anti-bacterial. 天然草药抗菌。
- International Symposium on Natural Medicines, Kyoto, Japan. 当归的生产及品质提升之研究。
- Deodorizes:Add natural medicinal herbs .Deodorizes effectively. 除臭:加入天然草药,除臭性强。
- Ginkgo series of corporate-driven health food products, health care supplies, cosmetics, natural medicine, and five major series over 30 varieties. 公司主导产品有银杏系列保健食品、保健用品、化妆品、天然药物等5大系列30多个品种。
- To acquaint themselves with modern techniques about structure elucidation of natural compounds and developing trends of natural medicine. 了解天然药物成分的现代测定技术和方法;了解天然药物学科发展新动态。
- It contains five parts.They are natural medicine,herbal medicine,health science,nutrition,homoeopathy.There are several links about each topic. 它又分为5个部分,分别是自然健康、自然药物、草药、健康科学、营养学、顺势疗法,针对每一个主题提供了多个链接。
- Tetrandrine(Tet) and alkaloids of Stephenia tetrandra S.Moore(AST) were isolated from Chinese natural medicine of Stephenia tetrandra S.Moore. 从中药粉防己中提取出粉防己碱、粉防己总生物碱,应用微量量热法研究了它们对大肠杆菌的抑制作用以及两种药物作用下大肠杆菌的耐药性。
- Soya beans are also natural medicine for menopausal women, they not only provide the effect of estrogen, but also reduce the risk of cancer. 黄豆也是更年期妇女的天然药物,它既能引起雌激素的作用,又可降低致癌的风险。
- To Enhance The Knowledge Of Natural Medicine And To Provide Professional,International Recognized Naturopathic Courses In Asia. 透过普及自然医学教育,将专业及国际认可的自然疗法课程推广至亚洲地区。
- Natural medicine chemistry is an important course of pharmaceutics to develop the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine in China. 中药现代化离不开大量本土专业人才队伍的建设。天然药物化学课程是药学专业中一门重要课程。
- Eight years experience of engaging natural medicine projects from the stages of research and development to putting them into production in state-owned research institutions. 八年国企研究所承担天然药物从研发到投产项目的经验。
- Natural medicine practitioners often utilize propolis for the relief of various conditons, including inflammations, viral diseases, ulcers, superficial burns or scalds. 自然医学从业者经常运用蜂胶缓解各种症状,如:炎症、病毒病、溃疡、表皮灼伤或烫伤。
- CMRS seeks to assist women in not only obtaining the best natural medicine services available, but also to provide gynecological care with a natural approach. CMRS向妇女提供最好的天然药物服务,以及中医妇科护理服务。
- Enhance regeneration ability of axotomized neurons (Pears Nature Medicine, 2004; Yick, J Neurotrauma, 2004). 增强軸突切斷神經元的再生能力。