- The disposal of gentle filter on natural gamma energy spectrum 自然伽马能谱的平滑滤波处理
- Natural gamma energy spectrum 自然伽马能谱
- It introduces the method, standard and example of applying the full-spectrum information of airborne gamma energy spectrum to predict prospective areas for uranium metallogenesis. 介绍了应用航空伽玛能谱全谱信息预测铀成矿远景区的方法、标准和应用实例。
- This method can be applied to terrain correction point by point for the airborne gamma energy spectrum in cases of any flight ways and arbitrary topographic conditions. 该方法特点是适合于任意飞行方式(缓地形和水平飞行均可)和任意地形条件航空伽玛能谱的逐点地形改正。
- airborne gamma energy spectrum measurement 航空伽马能谱测量
- integrated technologic system based on remote sensing spectrum and airborne radiometric gamma energy spectrum 光-能谱集成技术系统
- airborne gamma energy spectrum 航空伽马能谱
- The data of natural gamma ray spectrum logging are of well conformity with the contents of thorium, uranium and potassium obtained by surface gamma ray survey, laboratory analysis and aerial gamma ray spectrum survey. 对自然伽马能谱测井仪、面伽马能谱、内分析、空伽马能谱测量的同一地点钍、、元素含量进行对比分析得知,各种方法所得结果具有较好的一致性。
- Natural Gamma Ray Spectrum Logging Survey 自然伽玛能谱测井
- natural gamma ray spectrum logging 自然伽马能谱测井
- Natural gamma logging is a kind of most basic methods of well logging in cased wells which measure with gamma ray detector along well during logging. 自然伽马测井是套管井测井中一种最基本的方法。它以地层自然放射性为基础,测井时用伽马射线探测器沿井眼进行测量。
- Fractal theory is applied in the provenance analysis, namely, the fractal dimension of natural gamma logging curve is used in the provenance analysis. 摘要将分形理论应用于沉积物源方向的分析,即利用自然伽马测井曲线的分形维数进行物源方向分析。
- The energy spectrum and the radius of the single ion microbeam were measured. 测试了单离子束能谱和束斑。
- Determination of photomultiplier working points is the key problem in solving process of natural gamma ray logging instrument (NGRLI), and also the main issue puzzling NGRLI. 自然伽玛测井仪在调试过程中的关键问题是光电倍增管工作点的确定,也是困绕测井仪的主要问题。
- This paper theoretically discusses the relationship between the natural gamma ray spectrometry (NGS) and clayey mass fraction and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in the stratum. 阐述了地层中的自然伽马能谱与泥质质量分数及阳离子交换量的关系,介绍一种利用自然伽马能谱确定泥质质量分数和阳离子交换量的方法。
- What natural gamma well logging measured is total natural gamma radioactivity in layer,and it is a kind of most basic method in casing pipe well logging. 自然伽马测井测量的是地层总的自然伽马放射性,是套管井测井的一种最基本的方法。
- Study on X-ray energy spectrum microanalysis chemical element of root tuber tissue in Potentilla anserina L. X-射线能谱微区分析法对鹅绒委陵菜块根组织的化学元素分析研究
- The properties of thecatalysts have been examined using XRD; SEM, BET . Energy spectrum analysis, etc. 采用了XRD、SEM、BET比表面积测定以及能谱等手段对催化剂的性能进行了表征。
- The tensile and impact section of the pangolin’s scale were examined with SEM and an energy spectrum analyzer. 利用扫描电镜及能谱仪对材料的拉伸、冲击断口及成分进行了分析。
- In chapter two, first we get the spectrum of synchrotron radiation then obtain the electron energy spectrum. 第二章通过理论计算得到同步加速辐射谱以及电子能谱;