- Nautical Mile per Second 海里/秒
- Knot Rate of one nautical mile per hour. 节,航速单位,每小时航行的海里数。
- The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. “节”是表示每小时航行1海里的一个速度单位。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- The velocity of light is about 186,000 mile per second. 光速大约是每秒十八万六千英里。
- Yet molecules are always moving, some perhaps as fast as a mile per second. 分子仍然总在运动,其中有些分子的运动速度达每秒一英里。
- The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second. 光速大约是每秒十八万六千英里。
- Speed measured in nautical miles per hour is referred to as knots. 依据测量每小时多少海浬的速度称之为节。
- A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour, approximately1.85 kilometers(1.15 statute miles) per hour. 节一种速度单位,每小时1海里,大约合每小时1。85公里(1。5法定海里)
- A unit of speed,one nautical mile per hour,approximately1.85 kilometers(1.15 statute miles) per hour. 节一种速度单位,每小时1海里,大约合每小时1。85公里(1。5法定海里)
- It travels thousands of miles per second . 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- The word "knots" is a seagoing speed term meaning nautical miles per hour. “节”这个词是海航速度的术语,意思是海里每小时。
- The fireball ascended with great rapidity, the initial rate of rise being about a mile per second. 火球以很高的速度上升,上升的最初速度约为每秒1哩。
- A light year is the distance which light travels at 186,000 miles per second in one year, namely 6 million million miles. 1光年是以每秒186000英里的速度走过一年的距离,约为6万亿英里。
- Tidal waves move faster than any wheeled vehicle on earth. On the open seas they sometimes approach speeds of more than 500 nautical miles per hour. 海浪运动的速度超过地球上的任何车辆。在公海上海浪的时速有时可接近500海里。
- The comparable speed from the Moon is only 1. 5 miles per second. 而从月球出发的相应速度只是每秒1.;5英里。
- The comparable speed from the Moon is only 1.5 Miles per second. 而从月球出发的相应速度史是每秒1.;5英里。
- A distance of one nautical mile. 一海里的距离
- A nautical mile is 1,852 meters. 一海里等于1852米。
- A rocket must attain a speed of about five miles per second so that it may put a satellite in orbit. 火箭必须获得每秒大约五英里的速度以便把卫星送入轨道。