- Behavior Study of Nb Microalloyed Steel in Welding Proceduce 含铌微合金钢焊接性能研究
- The application of Nb microalloying technologies is beneficial to produce microalloyed steels with low production cost. 这一技术的采用降低了生产成本,为今后生产微合金钢积累了有益的经验。
- Kinetic Simulation of Strain Induced Precipitation in Nb Microalloyed Steels 含Nb钢应变诱导析出过程的动力学模拟
- Nb microalloyed steel Nb微合金钢
- Upper Limit Temperature of Deformation Induced Transformation of Nb Microalloyed Steels 铌微合金钢形变诱导相变的上限温度
- Nb microalloyed steels Nb微合金钢
- With the aid of extraction complex of C thin film,TEM and energy dispersion X-ray spectrum(EDX),the dissolve rule of Nb,V and Ti in Nb-V-Ti and V-Ti microalloyed steel was studied by isothermal holding at different temperatures and for different time. 通过萃取复形薄膜的方法,采用高分辨透射电镜和能量色散X射线光谱技术,研究了Nb-V-Ti和V-Ti微合金钢中,Nb、V、Ti的碳氮化物在不同温度和不同时间下保温时的回溶情况。
- Nb microalloying steel 含铌钢
- microalloyed steel with Nb content 含铌微合金
- The production of high strength and toughness steel plates used for pipeline by Nb microalloying process was introduced. 阐述了利用铌微合金化技术生产高强韧性管线用钢板的工艺技术。
- The vanadium/niobium microalloyed steel do not show abnormal coarsening of austenite grains when it was austenitized in the te... 在渗碳温度范围内长时间保温时不会发生奥氏体晶粒的异常长大;晶粒细化也使其渗碳层的组织和性能得到改善。
- In order to lower the flow stress in the cold heading process,the Bauschinger effect of microalloyed steel MFT8 for cold heading bolt was studied. 为了降低冷作强化非调质钢冷镦变形的变形抗力,研究了冷作强化非调质钢MFT8在冷变形过程中的鲍辛格效应。
- In order to increase yield strength of commercial microalloyed steel from 400MPa to 800MPa, grain refinement and high purity are taken into consideration. 为了将目前商业化微合金钢的屈服强度由40MPa级提高到800MPa级;拟采用超细晶粒和高洁净度的方法来提高强度和寿命.
- Through deforming and cooling test on a copper-containing Mn-Nb-Mo-B microalloyed steel,a bainitic steel with yield strength up to 800MPa was investigated. 通过对一种含Cu低碳Mn-Nb-Mo-B微合金钢进行的变形与冷却试验,研究了一种屈服强度达到800 MPa级的贝氏体钢。
- Influences of different cooling rate on the microstructure of high-Nb microalloyed steel were researched by using thermal simulation and microstructure analysis. 采用热模拟和组织显微分析方法研究了不同冷却速率对高铌微合金钢组织的影响。
- The steel properties and the technical characteristics of B microalloyed steel,electrotechnical steel and V-N microalloyed high strength steel which were continuously ca... 文章分二次发表,本次发表的内容是关于薄板坯连铸结晶器的相关技术及板坯典型裂纹的分析。
- Abstract In order to lower the flow stress in the cold heading process, the Bauschinger effect of microalloyed steel MFT8 for cold heading bolt was studied. 摘要 为了降低冷作强化非调质钢冷镦变形的变形抗力,研究了冷作强化非调质钢MFT8在冷变形过程中的鲍辛格效应。
- Electropulsing was employed to treat a low carbon microalloy steel. 研究了脉冲电流对一种低碳微合金钢的组织和力学性能的影响。
- This paper introduces Nb microalloying technologies to produce HRB400 bar, which include steelmaking, continuous casting and rolling. 介绍采用铌微合金化生产HRB400钢筋的工艺技术,包括合适的冶炼、连铸和轧制工艺。
- Abstract: A new type non-quenched-tempered microalloy steel has been developed. 摘 要 :研制了一种新型微合金非调质钢。