- However, we must not forget the negative side of chewing gum. 然而,我们也不能忽视口香糖的副面作用。
- R1 charges up the negative side of C1 to the supply voltage, VDD. R1将C1的负向充电到供电电压VDD。
- On the negative side, the speech is fraught with dangerous possibilities. 在消极方面,这篇演说却充满了危险性。
- Anyway Hou Yifan displayed such a negative side of uncompromising playing. 总之侯逸凡显示了负面的不肯妥协的一面。
- The best role for government may be to soften the negative side effects rather than to prevent these changes. 政府最好的工作是削弱不良副作用而不是阻止这种变革。
- On the negative side, the concepts of activation and arousal are rather amorphous. 从消极方面说,引发和激发这两个概念是很难以捉摸的。
- These strategies aimed at enhancing virtual private network security, they both positive side and a negative side. 这些战略旨在提高虚拟专用网络的安全性,它们既有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。
- Next, from the negative side argues that Chollima Bole encountered when the tragic events. 接下来从反面论证,千里马没有遇到伯乐时的悲惨遭遇。
- Impulse buying luxury "negative Weng negative sides," Why are hard? 一时冲动买下豪宅"负翁负婆"为什么会很辛苦?
- GUPTA While the cardiovascular benefits might appear rewarding, there is a negative side to endurance sports. 虽然马拉松对心血管的好处显而易见,耐力运动也带来了它的负面作用。
- On the negative side you may be impulsively decisive, sentimental and misdirected. 愿意相信为它轮回的生命之道。
- The negative side is that Beijing is happy to do business with some of Africa's nastiest governments, including Sudan. 消极的一面是,中国政府乐于和非洲一些最糟糕的政府(包括苏丹)打交道。
- The psalmist speaks from a repentant heart, showing the negative side of Israel's history. 诗人从悔改的心里说出以色列历史的消极面。
- The negative side would be aggressiveness, impatient, and has a quick but short temper. 负面是拥有侵略性的倾向,缺乏耐性,及烦躁的脾气。
- If somehow we wade a little bit into the negative side or if we want to peep into the negative region, then we might see them. 如果我们有一点偏向否定的一面,或好奇想见识否定的境界,就有可能看到它们。
- By resending the message due to an HTTP 500 response code, the sever processes the message twice - which could have very serious negative side effects. 由于收到HTTP 500响应代码而重新发送消息,服务器将对该消息处理两次,这样可能会产生非常严重的负面影响。
- Impulse buying luxury "negative Weng negative sides," Why can not when? 一时冲动买下豪宅“负翁负婆”为何不能再当?
- Pessimistic people only see the negative side of the world, but in fact, this world is filled with ablaze sunshine, fresh air and rosy flowers. 尽管悲观的人们总是只看到世界黯淡的一面,但事实上,这个世界是充满明媚的阳光、新鲜的空气和红彤彤的鲜花的。
- My experience has been that when we try to "formalize" effective processes, too often this results in negative side effects because we unintentionally change what works. 我的经验是这样的:当我们试图“形式化”一些有效的过程时,往往这会引出消极的副作用,因为我们会无意中改变了一些起作用的东西。
- The positive side has Pinyin, while the negative side has a nursery rhyme, ancient Chinese poem, tongue twister, or riddle. 正面的拼音字母主要用于拼音和单个音节的教学和练习;