- Nelson Mandela Scholarship 纳尔逊·曼德拉奖学金
- Nelson Mandela Scholarship Fund 纳尔逊·曼德拉奖学金基金
- Nelson Mandela is the subject of a new biography. 纳尔逊 曼德拉是一本新传记的传主。
- Nelson Mandela is a truly remarkable man. 纳尔逊·曼德拉确是个不平凡的人。
- Former President Nelson Mandela said Wednesday the death of P.W. 前总统曼德拉今天星期三死丝。
- The South African government put Nelson Mandela in jail in 1962. 南非政府于1962年将尼尔森.;曼德拉囚禁。
- Before their side departed for Lagos on Tuesday, they met with former president, and world icon Nelson Mandela, who gave them an encouraging send off. 星期二,在她们起程前往拉各斯之前,她们赫前总统全世界的偶像尼尔森曼德拉的会面,他为她们鼓励送行。
- Nelson Mandela had just been released, and we met with him in a secret place and visited the prison where he had lived. 纳尔逊.;曼得拉刚被释放,我和他在一秘密地点见了面,还参观了他曾被关的监狱。
- We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience as an excellent example of overcoming adversity. 我们可以把纳尔逊·曼德拉的经历作为克服困境的很好的例子。
- Avout 7 million people,including current president Thabo Mbeki and former president Nelson Mandela,speak Xhosa. 大约有700万人,包括现任的总统塔博·姆贝基和前任总统纳尔逊·曼德拉都说科萨语。
- From then on, he succeeded in reporting prominent political figures like Nelson Mandela and Yasser Arafat. 从那以后,他成功地报道了曼德拉、拉法特等卓越的政治人物。
- Question: In what way does Nelson Mandela unite the ideas of nationalism and democracy? 曼德拉如何将民族主义和民主思想相互结合?
- IN THIS ARTICLE: It is now two years since Nelson Mandela was elected President of South Africa. 本文简介:纳尔逊·曼德拉当选为南非总统以来,如今已有两年。
- Nelson Mandela (1918--), South African Lawyer and political activist, and president. 纳尔逊 - 曼德拉 (1918- ),南非律师,政治活动家,总统。
- For the first 100 days of Nelson Mandela's term as President of South Africa, he could do no wrong. 曼德拉担任南非总统的头一百天,他几乎干什么都不会有人挑错。
- Former South African President Nelson Mandela and Microsoft chairman Bill Gates will be among them. 其中包括前南非总统尼尔森?曼德拉和微软总裁比尔?盖茨。
- I'm so glad to hear of your scholarship to Nelson. 十分高兴获悉你得到了尼尔逊奖学金。
- I've been in jail longer than Nelson Mandela, so maybe you want me to run for President? 我坐牢的时间比曼德拉还要长,难道你想请我来当总统?
- I took it after consultation with members of the then new South African government, including President Nelson Mandela. 我在征询了新一届南非政府成员,包括纳尔逊*曼德拉总统的意见之后,这样决定。
- The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life. 我第一次遇见纳尔逊曼德拉时,正是我一生中非常困难的时期。