- Storm is the team's strength reflected in the new Olympic cycle, Wang Mei is one of hope. 强攻是一支队伍实力的体现,在新的奥运会周期中,王一梅是的希望所在。
- The new Olympic cycle, Wang is scheduled to Macon Chinese women's volleyball can not rely on one of the backbone. 新的奥运会周期,王一梅肯定是中国女排不能不倚靠的中坚力量之一。
- Since the future strategy was devised strategies, to face a new Olympic cycle, personal ideals and realistic objectives are secretly promised. 未来的战略自有人运筹帷幄,面临新的奥运周期,个人化的理想和现实目标也在暗暗许下。
- In addition, the skillful tactician Vladimir Kuzyutkin has been appointed new coach to take the team through the next Olympic cycle. 除此之外,经验丰富的弗拉迪米尔-库秋金被任命为新的主教练在新的奥运周期领导球队。
- In Olympic Cycling, the races are held in a velodrome. 奥运会自行车比赛是在一个赛车场。
- In the new Olympic cycle, if by Chen Zhonghe, partner Bao-Quan Wang, former Chinese women's volleyball coach continue to serve, would be a strong combination, the ideal complement each other. 在新的奥运会周期,若由陈忠和、王宝泉搭档,前者继续担任中国女排主帅,倒不失为一种强强联手、优势互补的理想选择。
- In the new Olympic cycle, as the "boss" Shen Xue / Zhao Hongbo retired, "the second child," Pang Qing / Tong Jian constant injuries, and Zhang Dan / Zhang Hao of this "old" shoulder a heavier burden. 在新的奥运周期里,由于“老大”申雪/赵宏博退役、“老二”庞清/佟健伤病不断,张丹/张昊这对“老三”肩上的担子更重。
- Phinney, whose parents each earned Olympic cycling medals, is hoping to pedal his way to his own podium in Beijing. 芬尼的父母曾获得过多枚奥运会自行车奖牌,他希望自己能在北京“骑”上颁奖台。
- Rob Hayles upstaged Great beijing's Olympic cycling heroes at the opening beijing tour stage in London yesterday. 搬家公司平台的同时,也全心营造和倡导了互帮互助,轻松活泼的伙伴式文化氛围。
- Brailsford, who wants his new team to make its beijing tour debut in 2010Rob Hayles upstaged Great beijing's Olympic cycling heroes at the opening beijing tour stage in London yesterday. 中小企业需要关注更多的互联网工具,而不仅仅是电子商务的网站、不仅仅是廉价的租用网络布线,更多的包括:租用的互联网呼叫中心、租用的视频会议系统。
- The pedal of a cycle is attached to a crank. 自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。
- The Olympic Games are always televised. 奥林匹克运动会一向经电视播放。
- Look! It's the start of the Olympic games! 瞧!奥林匹克运动会开始了!
- Our debate centered on this Olympic Games. 我们的辩论是以这次奥林匹克运动全为中心的。
- It's easier to cycle with the wind behind you. 顺风骑车省力。
- A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. 赫兹频率的单位,等于每秒一周
- The seasons of the year make a cycle. 一年四季构成一个循环。
- She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming. 她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。
- The business cycle experienced a sudden down. 商业周期经历了突然的萧条。
- This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps. 这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。