- In South China,the Early Cambrian black rock series is rich in metallic and nonmetallic mineral ersources. 我国南部早寒武世黑色岩系中,蕴藏丰富的金属和非金属矿产。
- This paper describes unique succession of calcareous tempestite from the Early Cambrian Qingxudong Formation, northeastern Guizhou Province. 摘要在黔东北铜仁-江口地区下寒武统清虚洞组下部发育一套特征典型、序列特殊的钙质风暴岩。
- In the Early Cambrian, the Tarim area was mainly a carbornate platform, in which there were penebanks, dolomitic flat, and gypsum-halite lake. 在早寒武世,塔里木地区是一个碳酸盐岩台地,其中散布着准滩、云坪和膏盐湖。
- The area we debated is in infraneritic environment at the Meishucunian Age,early Cambrian Period,when deposited a suit of carbonate and phosphate. 川西南滇东地区在早寒武世梅树村期处于上扬子浅海环境,沉积一套浅海碳酸盐和磷酸盐。
- Few fossils were found previously in early Early Cambrian black shale , such as sponges.With the deepening of the research , many phyla have been discovered recently. 早寒武世早期黑色页岩中以前只发现少量的海绵骨针,但随着研究的深入,各类动物化石被发现。
- Aihua Yang, Francoise Debrenne, Kexing Yuan, 2007. New archaeocyaths from the early Cambrian of Shaanxi and Guizhou proviences, South China. Geobios, ( in press). 杨爱华,2005.扬子地台早寒武世古杯动物群及其灭绝事件.中国科学院研究生院博士论文,1-233.
- They occur in Early Sinian Beiyixi Formation, Late Sinian Zhamoketi Formation and Shuiquan Formation as well as Early Cambrian Xishanbulake Formation respectively. 它们分别产出于早震旦世的贝义西组、晚震旦世的扎摩克提组和水泉组以及早寒武世的西山布拉克组。
- Abundant nonferrous metallic, precious metallic, rare earth metallic and nonmetallic mineral resources are hosted in the Early Cambrian black rock series in south China. 摘要我国南方早寒武世黑色岩系中,蕴藏着丰富的有色金属、贵金属、稀土金属和石煤及非金属矿产。
- In centraI and southern Arabia the first sediments overlying crystalline basement were the Late Precambrian to Earlp Cambrian carbonates,clastic and evaporites,which followed by the latest Early Cambrian through Early Permian sandstones and shales. 阿拉伯半岛中部和南部结晶基底之上最早的稳定沉积是前寒武纪晚期至早寒武世的断陷盆地沉积,以碳酸岩、碎屑岩和蒸发岩为特征。 寒武系至下二叠统地层由陆源碎屑岩及少量碳酸岩组成。
- On the basis of lithofacies palaeogeographic map, the sedimentary and lithofacies palaeogeographic characteristics of the middle Yangtze region during the Late Sinian and Early Cambrian are also described. 晚震旦世岩相古地理格局由碳酸盐台地(鄂中台地)和南边的台缘盆地组成。
- Six lithofacies palaeogeographic maps of Doushantuo, Dengying, Qiongzhusi, Canglangpu, and Longwangmiao Ages of Late Sinian and Early Cambrian have been made in the light of dominant facies and in the way to make stratigraphic map. 中扬子地区上震旦统发育了从碳酸盐潮坪、开阔台地、浅滩、台地边缘、斜坡到台地前缘盆地等沉积,下寒武统下部主要??细碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩组成的混合型浅海陆棚沉积,上部变成碳酸盐潮坪、开阔台地、台缘斜坡和台缘盆地沉积。
- The land disappeared during the Late Canglangpu Age and Longwangmiao Age (Early Cambrian) and the framework of palaeogeography consisted of tidal flat, open carbonate platform, platform-margin slopes and basin in the south. 早寒蝉寒武世中-晚期岩相古地理格局由碳酸盐潮坪、开阔台地、台缘斜坡和台缘盆地组成,该地区主体进入碳酸盐台地演化阶段。
- The Mofanggou gold deposit, stratoid in form, occurs in Early Cambrian Zhushadong Formation which overlies the principal detachment-slip zone between Cambrianstrata and Archaeozoic gneissose granodiorite or Palaeoproterozoic adamellite. 磨坊沟金矿呈似层状产于新太古代花岗闪长岩或古元古代二长花岗岩与寒武系主拆离滑脱带之上的早寒武世朱砂洞组碳酸盐岩中 ,围岩蚀变包括黄铁绢英岩化、方解石化和萤石化 ,金矿的形成主要与黄铁绢英岩化有关。
- ZENG Yun-fu,SHEN Li-juan,HE Yan-gui,et al.Preliminary analysis of the outcrop sequence stratigraphy for phosphatic series of Early Cambrian in eastern Yunnan[J].Mineral Petrol,1994,14 (3):43-53. [14]曾允孚;沈丽娟;何延贵;等.;滇东早寒武世含磷岩系层序地层分析[J]
- ZHANG Jun-ming,YUAN Ke-xing.The Early Cambrian reef and its petrogenesis of the Tianheban Formation at Yichang County,Hubei Province[J].Chinese Journal of Geology,1994,29(3):236-243. [3]张俊明;袁克兴.;湖北宜昌王家坪下寒武统天河板组古杯礁丘及其成岩作用[J]
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Not only most metazoan phyla made their debut at the earliest Cambrian, but also the fossil record like calcareous metaphyte flora and acritarch change dramatically nearly at the same time. 地球外部圈层的演替变化,诸如大陆重组、地磁极移、古气候、大洋地球化学性质的变化以及大气氧含量的变化等在时间上与这一生命爆发事件有耦合关系。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。