- Net radiation flux at surface 地面净辐射通量
- The distribution of the net radiation flux at the top of the atmosphere inferred from NIMBUS 3. 根据“雨云”(卫星)3号资料推算出的大气层顶净辐射通量分布。
- Net long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面净长波辐射通量
- Net short-wave radiation flux at surface 地面净短波辐射通量
- Net radiation flux at top of atmosphere 大气顶部净辐射通量
- Downward long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向下长波辐射通量
- Downward short-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向下短波辐射通量
- Upward long-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向上长波辐射通量
- Upward short-wave radiation flux at surface 地面向上短波辐射通量
- The effect of cloud on net radiation flux is not the same at the top and bottom of the atmosphere. 云对净辐射通量的影响在大气顶和大气底是不一样的。
- Study on the uncertainties of methods and precision of net radiation flux measurement. 净辐射通量观测方法及观测精度的不确定性研究。
- Net short-wave radiation flux at top of 大气顶部向上短波辐射通量
- Upward latent heat net flux at surface 地面向上潜热通量
- surface net radiation flux 地表净辐射
- Downward short-wave radiation flux at top of 大气顶部向下短波辐射通量
- Upward long-wave radiation flux at top of 大气顶部向上长波辐射通量
- The ratio of luminous flux at a specific wavelength to the radiant flux at the same wavelength. 发光效率一定波长的光量对同样波长的辐射光量的比例
- Emittance and irradiance are meaningful measurements of flux at a specific surface. 发射强度和辐照强度只有对一定表面上通量的量度才是有意义的。
- net radiation flux 净辐射通量
- The previous methods to parameterize instantaneous clear-sky surface total radiation and net radiation is discussed. 摘要讨论了晴天地表太阳总辐射和地表太阳净辐射瞬时值的参数化方法。