- AOL Time Warner disbands Netscape Communications Corporation. The Mozilla Foundation is established on the same day. 2003年的今天,美国在线-时代华纳集团解散了网景通讯公司。同时著名的莫兹拉基金会在同一天成立。
- On February Microsoft Corp. and Netscape Communications Corp. became publicly interested in XML. 今年2月,微软和Netscape公司公开表示对XML感兴趣。
- Berners-Lee created the first browser, a type of program that would later be refined by Netscape Communications Corp. 后来,使用者可以使用电脑制造商出售的终端,通过一个特殊系统与机器进行互动;
- America Online announces it will acquire Netscape Communications in a stock-for-stock transaction worth US$4.2 billion. 1998年,美国在线宣布将通过市值42亿美元的股权交换收购网景公司。
- April 4, Netscape Communications Corp which will go on to create the Navigator version of a browser, is founded. 4月4日,Netscape通信公司成立,将继续从事因特网浏览器Nevigator版本的研究。
- Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Communications Corp.'s Navigator 4.0,both include push client software. 微软公司的IE 4.;0和Netscape公司的Navigator 4
- The SSL handshake protocol was developed by Netscape Communications Corporation to provide security and privacy over the Internet. SSL交接规约由Netscape Communications Corporation开发,用于在互联网上提供安全和私隐保障。
- Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer 4.0 and Netscape Communications Corp.'s Navigator 4.0, both include push client software. 微软公司的IE 4.;0和Netscape公司的navigator 4
- Verity Inc.'s Topic Search is being bundled in both Netscape Communications Corp.'s Catalog Server and Microsoft Corp.'s Exchange. Verity公司的Topic Search正在与Netscape通信公司的Eatalog Server和微软公司的Exchange捆绑在一起。
- So Mr.Berners-Lee created the first browser, a type of program that would later be refined by Netscape Communications Corp. 使用者打开机器,插入一张穿孔卡片或按下某些按键,然后等待机器给出一个答案。
- Microsoft Corp.,Netscape Communications Corp. and Novell Inc. all offer caching tools for their software,but the dedicated appliances are easier to install and manage. Microsoft、Netscape和Novell都提供其软件的缓存工具,但专用装置更易于安装和管理。
- For instance,Netscape Communications Corp. is adding discussion technology from Collabra Software Inc. and new E-mail capabilities to its Navigator browser. 例如,NetScape通信公司正在其Navigator浏览器中增加从Collabra软件公司处获得的讨论技术以及新的电子邮件功能。
- Unable to load the preference dlls. Please re-install Netscape Communicator. 无法装入首选项DLL。请重新安装"Netscape通信器"。
- Please exit out of Netscape Communicator in order to run Account Setup. 为了运行"帐户设置",请先退出"Netscape通信器"。
- Not only are Netscape Communications'Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer a means to access the Internet,but now they can also be used to access desktop applications. Netscape公司的Navigator和微软公司的Internet Explorer不仅是访问Internet的一种手段,而且现在还能用来访问台式应用程序。
- Omid has more than 20 years of high technology consumer and enterprise experience, holding key positions at several startups, including Internet pioneer Netscape Communications. Omid拥有20多年的高科技用户和企业客户经验,他曾在包括互联网技术先驱Netscape Communications公司在内的多家公司起步阶段担任要职。
- Microsoft Corp., Netscape Communications Corp. and Novell Inc. all offer caching tools for their software, but the dedicated appliances are easier to install and manage. microsoft、Netscape和Novell都提供其软件的缓存工具,但专用装置更易于安装和管理。
- For instance, Netscape Communications Corp. is adding discussion technology from Collabra Software Inc. and new E-mail capabilities to its Navigator browser. 例如,NetScape通信公司正在其Navigator浏览器中增加从Collabra软件公司处获得的讨论技术以及新的电子邮件功能。
- Not only are Netscape Communications' Navigator and Microsoft's Internet Explorer a means to access the Internet, but now they can also be used to access desktop applications. Netscape公司的Navigator和微软公司的Internet explorer不仅是访问Internet的一种手段,而且现在还能用来访问台式应用程序。
- This site is in no way affiliated with Netscape Communications Corporation. This site is here as a service to directory users and is maintained by a group of editors. 这个站点是绝不隶属于网景公司.;这个网站是在这里作为一个服务目录用户;是由一群编辑