- Network Terminal Operator 网络终端操作员
- By a terminal operator or computer;to send a character or other message to indicate that the previous message has been received. 由终端操作员或计算机发送的字符或其它的短报文,用以指出已经收到前一报文。
- Network Terminal Operation 网络终端操作
- In a network, an operation in which a terminal operator enters a request for information and the information is sent back and displayed at the terminal. 网络中的一种操作,按这种操作方式,终端操作员输入一个信息请求,然后请求的信息被发送回来并显示在终端上。
- The practice shows that the construction and operation of attestation is important for the safety of wireless public network terminal. 实践证明,接入认证部分的建设和投入运行对无线公网终端的推广建设起到了重要的安全保障作用。
- This paper described studying of ONT (Optic Network Terminal) in the APON system. 本论文主要是研究APON系统中光网络终端设计研制的实现方案与关键技术。
- A term sometimes applied to the interchange that takes place between a terminal operator and a computer in a transaction processing system. 有时指在终端操作员和计算机事务处理系统之间发生的交换。
- It is very important that Optical Network Terminal (ONT) is implemented in systhesis service access of EPON. 本课题主要是光网络终端设备的硬件和软件的设计,实现宽带数据、电话和电视的综合接入,使各业务信号的性能指标符合国际国内标准要求。
- The subsequence shown in management network terminal of Ministry of Commerce is taken as the criterion. 申请的先后排序以商务部管理网络终端显示为准。
- Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd. 国际气体船及码头操作者社团。
- Network terminal PC can connect time-sharingly Intranet or Extranet and guarantee security of Intranet data file on the control of the subsystem. 在其控制下,网络终端计算机能分时地使用内外网,保证了内网数据文件的安全性。
- The Phaeton Shenzhen Science and Technology Co., Ltd. is a computer network terminal product development, production and sales as one of the high-tech enterprises. 深圳市辉腾汇科技有限公司是一家以计算机网络终端产品研发、生产、销售为一体的高科技企业。
- The new gust information service is welcomed by container terminal operators. 新增的阵风资讯服务受到货柜码头营运商的欢迎。
- The speed of gate traffic can set the pace for the entire terminal operation. 出入口的通行速度会影响整个码头的运营速度。
- In the 8100/DPCX system, a point in a program to which control is passed when a terminal operator presses the error correction (ERR CORR) key during entry of data, or when a program issues a statement that has the same effect. 在IBM的操作系统8100/DPCX中,程序内的一个点,当终端操作员在数据输入期间按纠错键(ERR CORR)或程序给出了一个具有相同作用的语句时,控制权即转移到该点。
- At present the BPL(broadband over powerline) terminal (Intellon 51X1) only provide user management protocal on MAC layer without network management protocal interface,so we can not manage the BPL network terminal at the network management station. 但目前国内电力线宽带接入终端(基于Intellon51X1芯片)只提供MAC层管理接口,不支持网络管理协议,无法通过网络管理平台对接入终端进行管理。
- Clustering of databases and application servers provides redundancy, load balancing, fault tolerance and failover support to keep the terminal operational in the event of a hardware or network communication failure. 数据库群集和应用程序服务器可以提供冗余能力、负载平衡、容错能力和故障支持能力,确保码头在发生硬件故障或网络通讯故障时仍然能够继续运营。
- Navis software is the worldwide standard terminal operating system for many industry leaders. Navis软件是许多行业领导者采用的全球标准码头管理系统。
- Rather, AAL functions are performed by the user's network terminating equipment on the user side of the UNI. 相反,AAL功能是由在UNI用户侧的用户网络终端设备实现的。
- Additional benefits come in terms of cost reductions obtained through streamlining terminal operations. 此外,WebAccess能够简化码头运营,帮助您降低成本。