- Neutron source intensity 中子源强度
- DZF-B portable broadband controllable neutron source. DZF-B便携式宽频带可控中子源
- Effect of source intensity on ability to fixate: implications for laser safety. 源强度对眼睛注视能力的影响:激光安全性推断...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Frequency bandwidth and duty ratio are main specifications for the controllable neutron source. 频带宽度与占空比是可控中子源的主要技术指标。
- The theoretical programs related to the spallation neutron source for accelerator driven system (ADS) are discussed at present work. 有关散裂靶物理的理论计算程序的建立和基准检验是目前工作的一个重点。
- The influence of light source intensity noise on FOG limited sensitivity is analyzed. 分析了光源强度噪声对光纤陀螺极限灵敏度的影响。
- The eyes of rabbit received 0.0125 GY single exposure dose of fast neutron from Amc-Be neutron source. Am-Be中子源;0.;0125Gy快中子照射北京灰兔双眼及全身;照射时间为150分钟。
- In this paper the uncertainties of the source intensity of chemical harzadous sudden acci dents on environmental risk assessment have been discussed. 讨论了化学危险品突发事故的环境危害评价的不确定性问题。
- The spallation neutron source induced by intermediate energy proton-nucleus interaction is a key point and has not solved yet for the transmutation and applications. 散裂中子源是这个系统的一个重要部分,也是一个急需解决的重点。
- The Spallation Neutron Source Providing the Most Intense Pulsed Neutron Beams in the World Is Being Built in Tennessee by the U.S. Department of Energy. 美国能源部正在田纳西州建造世界上最强脉冲中子束的散裂中子源。
- Abstract The 1.6 GeV proton synchrotron proposed in the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS) project is a high-intensity proton synchrotron. 摘要 目前正在进行可行性研究的中国散裂中子源的主体结构是1台强流质子同步加速器。
- By ttsing the terms of controlled emission source intensity and reck less emission source intensity,the reduction of dust amount after retrofit was calculated,the d... 并试用人力资本法、市场价值法,概算了间接效益,最后对无组织源强确定法作了讨论。
- In this paper, the BSAs for neutron radiography based on d-D and d-T accelerator neutron source have been designed using MCNP code. 本文针对兰州大学现正在建造的中子发生器,应用MCNP程序分别模拟设计了d-D和d-T中子源中子照相慢化准直屏蔽系统,主要内容包括如下几部分:
- Activation detection is used to measure the neutron yield from a DPF neutron source with narrow pulse width and high neutron flux. 活化测量是等离子体焦点(DPF)中子源的窄脉冲、高注量率中子辐射产额的有效测量方法。
- The safety in a cold neutron source (CNS) includes nuclear safety, radiation safety and hydrogen safety, with the latter being the most comprehensive. 反应堆冷中子源装置的安全性包括核安全、辐射安全和氢安全,其中氢安全是最复杂的一方面。
- Methods: According to the strength of the neutron source, paraffin was used to slow neutron and B 4C to absorb the slowing down neutron. 方法:根据中子源的强度,利用石蜡慢化和碳化硼吸收慢化中子原理并考虑各种影响因素,建立中子源的安全贮存装置。
- The results show that compared with the scalp surface ERP data, the current source intensity derived from tomography can better reflect the enhanced effect of P1 and N1, especially N1. 结果表明,层析得到的电源强度与头表的脑电数据相比,能更好地反映注意导致的P1、N1相对增强效应,其中尤以N1的增强比较明显。
- At the same time, the spallation neutron source, the largest platform for nuclear science and technology in our country, is being built in Dongguan, Guangdong province. 同时我国最大的核科学技术平台-散裂中子源已经落户广东东莞,此外,核技术应用的两大上市公司也在广东深圳。
- The method for measuring the time spectrum and energy spectrum of fusion pulse neutron source in short distance is described. The limitation of the method is discussed in brief. 摘要介绍在近距离条件下,测量聚变脉冲中子源的时间谱、能谱和产额的一种方法-两测点解谱法,对该方法的局限性作了简要地讨论。
- Abstract: The design of the fast kicker prototype magnet for China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS) rapid cycling synchronous(RCS) extraction has been introduced. 摘要: 设计了中国散裂中子源(CSNS)快循环同步加速器(RCS)引出系统快脉冲冲击磁铁样机。