- Question: Is there any friction with the New Fourth Army? 问:新四军方面有无磨擦?
- To wipe out the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei. (三)消灭皖南的新四军;
- Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army. 第四、恢复叶挺自由,继续充当新四军军长;
- Release Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army. 恢复叶挺自由,继续充当新四军军长。
- The attack on the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei and the reactionary Order of January 17 are only the first open signs of this plot. 袭击皖南新四军部队和发布一月十七日的反动命令,不过是此种计划表面化的开端。
- Our broom is the Communist Party, the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army. 我们的扫帚就是共产党、八路军和新四军。
- Then why should you prevent the New Fourth Army from moving into that area and try to wipe it out while it was still in southern Anhwei? 你们为什么不让它到那里去,要在皖南就消灭它呢?
- The Plan and It's Abandon of New Fourth Army to Capture the Big City of Nanjian, Shanghai and Hangzhou etc. 新四军夺取宁沪杭大城市计划及其放弃。
- The Development in the Historical Research on New Fourth Army since the Founding of P. R.C. 建国后新四军历史研究的发展。
- Increased danger from the Japanese in 1940 and ill health caused Smedley to leave her beloved New Fourth Army. 1940年,日军的严重威胁和健康不佳,促使史沫特莱离开了她深深眷恋的新四军。
- To declare that the New Fourth Army has "mutinied" and cancel its official designation. (四)宣布新四军“叛变”,取消该军番号。
- The New Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army has won fame both at home and abroad by its distinguished service in the War of Resistance. 国民革命军新编第四军抗战有功,驰名中外。
- Compensate all the officers and men of the New Fourth Army who were wounded and the families of those who were killed in southern Anhwei. 第六、抚恤皖南新四军全部伤亡将士;
- That blockhead of a Chungking spokesman did not stop to think. Against whom would the New Fourth Army be mutinying in that area? 愚蠢的重庆发言人没有想一想,新四军究竟到那里去叛变谁呢?
- "Southern Anhui Incident", the New Fourth Army soldiers in a bloody battle here Qitianqiye, the fight against the KMT Wanjun. 皖南事变"中,新四军战士在这里浴血奋战了七天七夜,抗击国民党顽军。
- In the Kuomintang areas it is still only a propaganda programme,but in the areas reached by the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army it is already a programme of action. 这在国民党区域还是宣传纲领,但在八路军新四军所到之地则是行动的纲领。
- More than 50 veterans of the New Fourth Army participated in the symposium with leaders and comrades from the Nanjing Military District and Jiangsu province. 50多位新四军老战士和南京军区、江苏省的领导同志参加了座谈会。
- The Kuomintang reactionaries then launched a sudden attack on units of the New Fourth Army which were moving north and thus created the Southern Anhwei Incident. 接着,国民党反动派即制造了袭击新四军北移部队的皖南事变。
- The success of striving for and transforming variegated arms became the important reason about the rapid development of the New Fourth Army guerrilla warfare that led by Peng. 争取与改造杂色武装的成功是彭雪枫所领导的新四军游击支队迅速发展壮大的重要原因,并因此而对抗日战争产生了极为有利的影响。
- However dark the situation, however thorny the road, and whatever the price that road exacts (the loss of the New Fourth Army units in southern Anhwei is part of that price), the Japanese aggressors and the pro-Japanese clique are certainly doomed. 时局不论如何黑暗,不论将来尚须经历何种艰难道路和在此道路上须付何等代价(皖南新四军部队就是代价的一部分),日寇和亲日派总是要失败的。