- They are writing a new history of Africa. 他们正在写一部新的非洲史。
- You will unearth a whole new history. 你们将会挖掘出一个完整的新历史。
- She's writing a new history of Europe. 她正在写一部新的欧洲史。
- All this new history makes old history even more important. 新历史的一切都让旧史变得更为重要。
- The new window has a new history for the Back and Forward buttons and the SnapBack buttons. 新窗口包含“后退”、“前进”和SnapBack按钮的新历史记录。
- In the “New History Textbook,” the Nanking Massacre is dismissed as a controversial “incident. 在“新历史教课书”里,‘南京大屠杀’被改写成一个有争议的“事件”。
- He attempted to break through the bounds of biography and take advantage of other patterns to create a new history. 他力图突破纪传体的束缚,融合吸收其他史体之长处,创造出一种全新的史体。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- In this one new history period, agriculture appeared to be challenged austerely, also welcomed new opportunity. 在这一新的历史时期,农业出现了严重的挑战,也迎来了新的机遇。
- I just feel satisfied to our new history teacher , she sings to us with comical story her class is vivid amusing. 我对我们的新历史老师刚感到满意,她唱给我们将滑稽的故事她的课生动又有趣。
- John King Fairbank. China: A New History [ M ]. Cambridge, MA :Harvard University Press, 1992. 广东社会科学院等.;孙中山全集:第九册[M]
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- Since entering the 21st century,with the change of the history culture,the contemporary Chinese aesthetics has also entered in a new history time. 进入21世纪以来,随着历史文化的变迁,当代中国美学也步入了一个新的历史时期。
- The first section analyses the creation of new history operas.The second section discusses the creation of meliorated Peking Operas. 第一节分析新编历史剧的创作,第二节探讨改良京剧的创作。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- That new barman at the club really turns me on. 俱乐部那位新来的酒吧男招待员真让我有兴趣。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。