- New Threat Warning System 新威胁警报系统
- The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), in Arlington, Va., awarded the contract, which is for the first phase of the Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System program, or CT2WS. 由诺格公司电子系统分部领导的一个团队正在为作战人员带来一个相似的威胁探测能力,作为先进研究合同的一部分,开发一个全景的日夜光学系统,将利用人脑活动来探测、分析和警告步兵可能的威胁。
- Terminal Threat Warning System 终端威胁警报系统
- Threat Warning System 威胁警报系统
- The new threat on the horizon is unemployment. 将要出现的新的威胁是失业。
- VEWS? Very Early Warning System? 极早期预警系统?
- But a new threat faces a population already beset by hardship. 但这些已经被困境困扰的人民还面临着新的威胁。
- A pollution warning system is being established. 正在建立一个污染报警系统。
- Midas was the first such warning system in the world. 飞弹防御警报系统是世界上第一个此类型的警报系统。
- Don't worry, we have a tsunami early warning system. 别担心,我们有海啸预警系统。
- Avian flu - what are the new threats to insurance? 禽流感:保险业的新挑战?
- Today, we face new threats and instabilities. 今天,我们又面对着新的威胁与不稳定因素。
- The US airline industry is facing a new threat to its profits - heavier passengers, a report has found. 有报告显示,目前乘客体重不断增加使美国航空业的利润空间面临新的威胁。
- Threat Warning Information Display System 威胁警报信息显示系统
- A drill testing the tsunami warning system was held in Bali Indonesia. 在印度尼西亚的巴厘建造起了飓风预测报警系统。
- The International Olympic Committee responded to this new threat by introducing stringent drug-testing procedures. 面对这种新的威胁,国际奥委会随即引进严格的药物测试步骤来回应。
- David Mackney, a security expert in Jakarta, says Indonesia has responded quickly to this new threat. 雅加达的一位安全专家麦克尼说,印尼对新的恐怖威胁反应迅速。
- Every school should have an early warning system to avoid this problem. 每个学校都应该打好预防针,防止该类事故再次发生。
- As they labor to protect what remains, Chinese preservationists are facing a new threat: gentrification. 现在正当他们辛苦地亡羊补牢时,中国的保护主义者们面临着一个新的威胁:城市绅士化。