- He presented quite a new view of the affair. 他对那件事提出了相当新的看法。
- An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe. 一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。
- Myth of HUANG Di and it's spreading in Henan 黄帝神话及其在河南的流传
- Right in front of the tumulus is a huge stone tablet inscribed with five big Chinese characters in the calligraphy of Guo Moro, the contemporary Chinese historian and poet, whose English equivalent could be: The Tomb of Huang Di of Xuanyuan. 墓前竖着一块高大的碑石,碑上的“轩辕黄帝墓”五字,乃出自中国当代著名历史学家、诗人郭沫若先生的手笔。
- Drawing on newly discovered Nostradamus manuscripts, a startling new view of the world was revealed. 看到诺查丹玛斯手稿的最新近发现,一个令人吃惊的对世界的全新视野展现在眼前。
- I want to analyze the new views of light, color and picture composition and make them clear and intelligible. 文章通过印象派对光、色彩和构图的新理解,具体分析印象派来使这一理论得到较为详细的说明。
- On the Reasons of Worship of Huang Di 略论黄帝崇拜形成的原因
- R.T.Putnam &H.Borko.What do new views of knowledge and thinking have to say about research on teacher learning[J]. 作者简介:吕林海男,南京大学教育科学与管理系讲师,博士,主要研究领域为:课程与教学论、学习科学与教育技术、教师教育等。
- An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook,a new view of the universe. 一位美国大学校长曾经评论说,爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。
- These new flats will interrupt our view of the sea. 这些新公寓将遮住我们眺望海景的视野。
- The two cases, that the civil place reformation in 3rd year of TianCong and catching Zhang Chun in 5th year of TianCong, thoroughly changed the views of Huang Taiji to the Han nationality scholar. 天聪三年文馆的改制,天聪五年俘获张春,这两件事彻底地改变了皇太极对汉族文人的看法。
- This paper gave a dynamic bid decision model and presented a new view of the plan selection based on the owner utility. 本文给出了一个工程项目投标报价的动态决策模型,并且基于业主的效用提出了一个报价方案选择的新观点。
- The author also introduce several system science methods that are suitable for use in the field of urban plan for proffering some new views of it. 介绍几种主要适用于城市规划的系统科学方法,为城市规划研究提供新的角度。
- The book completed the working out of a new view of nature, a task begun by Copernicus. 这本书完成了对自然界新看法的研究,这是从哥白尼开始的一项工作。
- Comparative Studies Between Zhou Li and Internal Classic of Huang Di 《周礼》与《黄帝内经》对比研究
- So we havea new view of the judgment of the hop weapon by whichthe oostal cartilage was stabbed. 据此,对在肋软骨上刺器所致刺创的凶器种类的推断提出新的见解。
- That's what he used to observe the moons of Jupiter later that year, which led to his new view of the earth's place in the cosmos. 他就是用这种仪器在那年下半年观察到月球,而这一观察结果使他提出了对地球在宇宙中位置的新观点。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- Here, new ideas and a new culture nurtured Hamlet, a new view of the world and life. This new view is different from the traditional church. 在这里,新思想新文化熏陶着哈姆莱特,他对世界和人生有新的看法,这新的看法是与传统的教会观念不同的。
- Query about the Thoughts of Huang Di and Lao-tzu Between the Controlling Ideas in the Early Han Dynasty 关于汉初以黄老为统治思想的质疑