- Every New Citizen Makes A Lifelong Pledge To Support The Values And Laws Of America. 每一位新公民发誓终生维护美国的价值和法律。
- Today Ellis Island is a museum , showing the roots of America's new citizens, who came from all the corners of the earth. 今天,爱利斯岛就是一个美国新公民来源的展览馆,他们来自世界各个角落的。
- STS reflected in the education,means training new citizens who have knowledge of science and technology, participate in science and technology policy. STS体现在教育中,旨在培养具备科学技术素养,能参与科技决策,全面发展的一代新型公民的新教育观。
- During the cold war the socialist government decided to bulldoze all traces of pre-war fabric to build an ideal housing bubble for the new citizen. 租房子,进学校,找工作,就连消费都包括在内。
- Thus it is necessary to broaden the plaintiff's qualification to satisfy the new citizens' environmental right and the increased environmental dissension. 近来公民环境权的提出也要求放宽对环境民事诉讼原告资格的限制,以满足日益增多的环境民事纠纷处理的需要。
- Out of all this is emerging a new citizen, a contented farmer and artisan, on the one hand, and, on the other, a teacher with new ideals, born of the contentment he is producing. 结果是,新型的市民、满意的农夫和工匠涌现了出来。另一方面,具有新观念的老师,也在自我满足中诞生。
- All these new citizens of the state (we leave aside the question of the clients) stood outside the old gentes, curia,, and tribes, and therefore formed no part of the populus Romanus, the real Roman people. 所有这些新的国民(关于被保护民的问题,这里暂且不谈),都处在旧的氏族、库里亚和部落之外,因而,不是populus romanus即道地的罗马人民的组成部分。
- Atlanta was again the center of activities for a wide region, as it had been before its destruction, and the town was receiving a great influx of new citizens, both welcome and unwelcome. 亚特兰大又成了一个广阔地区的活动中心,就像它遭到破坏之前那样,同时它正在接纳一大批蜂拥而入的新市民,其中有受人欢迎的,也有不受人欢迎的。
- But in 2004, Britain introduced a 4)compulsory citizenship 5)ceremony which required new citizens to take a broader oath promising to respect Britain's rights, freedoms and laws, and all of this in front of 6)civic 7)dignitaries dressed in full 8)regalia. 但在2004年,英政府提出了强制性的入籍宣誓仪式,要求新公民的誓言范围更广,包括许诺尊重英国权利、自由和法律,整个入籍宣誓仪式过程中,新公民都要面对全副盛装的民事权贵。
- It chose long ago not to foist a common national identity on new citizens but to allow and indeed encourage them to retain the dress and language, faith and customs they came with. 很久之前,政府政策的选择就是不对新的居民强加通常的英国的民族共同特性,而是允许,实际上,是鼓励新的居民保持他们原有的服装,语言,信仰和习惯。
- In Britain, the Home Office minister in charge said the new procedures were meant to "help new citizens to gain a greater appreciation of the civic and political dimensions of British citizenship. 据英国内务大臣说,新的程序主要是为了“帮助新市民获得对英国公民身份的市民方面和政治方面更广阔的理解”。
- We stopped by Nara Prefecture New Citizen Hall.Nara Hotel runs a restaurant called “Noh” inside the Citizen Hall.The restaurant offers great view of the park.We both ordered lunch special curry. 我们接下来走到奈良县新公民馆.;馆内有奈良旅馆开的”能”餐厅
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- She read me a few extracts from her own new novel. 她把她自己的新小说念了几段给我听。
- She is pounding out a new rune on the piano. 他正在钢琴上弹奏一支新曲。
- That new barman at the club really turns me on. 俱乐部那位新来的酒吧男招待员真让我有兴趣。
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新来的职员工作专心致志。
- That new shopping centre is a real eyesore. 那个新的购物中心真是难看极了。