- Newborn sex ratios 出生性别比
- Skewed sex ratios raised the competition. 倾斜的性别比例引发了竞争。
- Figures in brackets refer to the corresponding sex ratios. 括弧內的數字指相應的性別比率。
- China’s gender ratio for newborn babies in 2005 was 118 boys to 100 girls: compared with 110 to 100 in 2000.In some regions the sex ratio has ballooned to 130 boys to 100 girls. 为新生婴儿的中国籍的性比在 2005 年是 100个女孩的 118个男孩: 与 110 到 100相较在 2000 年.;在一些区域中,性别比已经猛涨到 100个女孩的 130个男孩。
- Objective To observe the connection between postpartum depression and newborn sex, delivery pattern, postpartum hemorrhage and the educational level of puerpera. 摘要目的观察产褥期抑郁症与新生儿性别、分娩方式、产后出血、产妇文化程度的关系。
- These problems include the high sex ratio and the growing population aging. 例如出生人口性别比偏高、人口老龄化等。
- Remarkably high sex ratios at birth have been observed recently in Asian populations. 高出生性别比常常发生在亚洲的人口中。
- In both the butterfly and the pill bug, the bacterium skews the populations' sex ratios massively toward females. 在非洲细蝶与鼠妇族群中,沃巴赫菌都大幅扭曲了性别比例,使雌性占了绝对多数。
- If such a gene occurs on a sex-determining(X or Y) chromosome, then highly aberrant sex ratios can occur. 如果这样的基因发生在性决定染色体(X或Y)上,那么性比例就会非常失控。
- The sex ratios of the collected samples were close to 1:1 among sites of Shunsun, Taishi, Budai, Chiku and Donkang. 从台湾西海岸-香山、台西、布袋、七股和东港的蚵岩螺调查发现,各采样点的性比都接近1:1;
- The sex ratios of the collected samples were close to 1:1 among sites of Shunsun, Taishi, Budai, Chiku and Tungkang. 从台湾西海岸- 香山、台西、布袋、七股和东港的蚵岩螺调查发现,各采样点的性比都接近1:1;
- Hatchling sex ratio at this beach possibly depends on the date of egg laying. 雉龟的性别比则可能受到产卵的时间所决定。
- But she added: "We think the sex ratio at birth is probably peaking now. 但是她补充道:“我们认为新生儿男女比例问题已经达到了顶峰。
- Objective To estimate the sex ratios at birth for perinatal child in hospital in Hubei. 目的了解湖北省住院分娩围产儿的出生性别比。
- But Ms.Oster, 28 years old, says newly available data prove that the hepatitis B virus can't explain China's skewed sex ratios. 然而,28岁的奥斯特现在表示,新的数据证明乙肝病毒无法解释中国的男女比例失衡问题。
- But more immediately relevant to game theory are the sex ratios in certain parasitic wasp species that have a large excess of females. 但是更直接相关的游戏理论是在某种有着大量过剩雌体的寄生黄蜂种群中的性别比例。
- ONE WAY IN WHICH Wolbachia can profoundly influence its victims is by grossly distorting the normally balanced sex ratios of its hosts' populations. 沃巴赫菌能够对宿主产生深远的影响,有个方法是严重扭曲宿主族群性别比例(自然族群的性别比例通常都维持在平衡状态)。
- The study provides the first global look at human sex ratios and could shed light on how temperature and day length influence human reproduction. 该研究首次在全球范围内观察了性别比率,也许能够解释温度和白天的长度是如何影响人类生殖情况的。
- They see the decline in the sex ratio during this period as one of the key contributors to modern feminism. 他们视这段期间的男女比例下滑现象,为促进现代女性主义的关键因素之一。
- Gellatly made simulating how the gene would act over 500 generations, and examined whether offspring sex ratios in the real-life family trees supported his hypothesis. 盖里特利制作了一个计算机模型来模拟这种基因历经500次遗传会如何发生作用,并调查现实生活中家族后代的性别比例是否符合他的假设。