- Newton rs law of universal gravitation 牛顿万有引力定律
- Newton rs law of gravitation 牛顿万有引力定律
- Newton rs law of gravity 牛顿万有引力定律
- Newton rs law of resistance 牛顿阻力定律
- Newton rs law 牛顿万有引力定律
- Newton rs law of cooling 牛顿冷却定律
- Newton rs laws of motion 牛顿运动定律
- Children supporting their parents is nature rs law and earth rs way. 子女奉养父母是天经地义的。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- Newton rs backward interpolation formula 牛顿向后插值公式
- Newton rs method of approximation 牛顿近似计算法
- Newton rs forward interpolation formula 牛顿前向插值公式, 牛顿向前插值公式
- Haeckel rs law recapitulation theory 重演论, 重檐论
- Maxwell rs law of velocity disribution 麦克斯韦速度分布定律
- We owe this discovery to Newton. 我们的这一发现归功於牛顿。
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- Einstein rs law of photochemical equivalence 光化当量的爱因斯坦定律
- We assume that the bodies obey Newton's Third Law. 设物体遵从牛顿第三定律。
- Kepler rs law of planetary motion 开普勒行星运动定律