- The Advanced Equipment and New Technology in NagoyaFactory, Nippon Steel Corp. 新日铁名古屋厂的先进设备及技术进步。
- The Advanced Equipment and New Technology in Nagoya Factory,Nippon Steel Corp. 新日铁名古屋厂的先进设备及技术进步
- Three Japanese contractors - Taisei Corp, Kajima Corp and Nippon Steel Engineering Co Ltd - were on site on Wednesday. 从2004年日本政府资助3亿美元,日本的几家公司开始建造这座桥梁。计划明年完工,总长2.;75公里。
- Conclusions obtained are essentially in comformity to the information provided by NIPPON Steel Corp. 所得结论与新日铁资料基本相符。
- Posco has a 2.2 per cent stake in Nippon Steel and the Japanese steelmaker has 3.32 per cent of Posco. 浦项制铁持有新日铁2.;2%25的股权,而新日铁在浦项制铁的持股比例为3
- Cisa criticised Nippon Steel, which negotiated on behalf of Japanese mills, for settling a price ahead of Chinese mills. 中钢协指责,代表日本钢铁厂谈判的日本新日铁(NipponSteel),抢在中国钢厂前接受了价格。
- Nippon Steel is currently operating rate of equipment for about 55 percent, analysts forecast 7-9 months will be raised to 60% -70% level. 新日铁目前的设备开工率为55%25左右,分析师预测7-9月份将提高到60%25-70%25的水平。
- This paper briefly describes the new shaft type scrap preheating system called UL BA developed by Japanese Nippon Steel Corporation. 文章简要介绍了日本新日铁开发的新型竖炉式废钢预热系统,即:UL-BA方式预热装置。
- This page shows steel structure of various kinds.The customers of the company include BABCOCK-HITACHI, NIPPON STEEL, CHINA NATIONAL OFFSHORE OIL CORP, JFE and other companies. 本页显示的是青岛格林特环保设备有限公司的钢结构产品,我厂钢结构的用户包括巴布科克日立、新日铁、日本JFE、豪顿华、中海油等。
- The 5-star New Otani Chang Fu Gong Hotel was jointly planned by the Beijing government and Hiroshi Inayama, honorary president of Japan's Nippon Steel Co. 酒店简介长富宫饭店是一家与日本合资兴建并共同管理的酒店。
- South Korea's POSCO said on Monday it will work together with Japan's Nippon Steel Corp. in negotiating iron ore prices inpuorgto strengthen the steel makers' buying power. 韩国浦项制铁公司周一表示,将同新日本制铁公司联手进行铁矿交易价格的谈判,以占领更多市场份额。
- On the Tokyo stock exchange, Nippon Steel's share price rose 3.2% to 575 yen ($5.33) yesterday.JFE Holdings Inc., the parent company of JFE Steel Corp., rose 6.3% to 4,410 yen. 该公司认为其有理由比淡水河谷公司要价高,因为比起巴西,澳大利亚的矿产离中国和日本等亚洲客户更近,运输费用因而更低。
- The advanced indexes of clean steel production in the world are given according to steel grades and plants(Nippon Steel,JFE,POSCO,Baosteel,WISCO,Angang,etc.). 分钢种和厂家(新日铁、JFE、POSCO、宝钢、武钢和鞍钢等)统计了世界纯净钢生产先进指标。
- Affected by this, such as Nippon Steel will raise the prices of steel products into nearly 4, which caused the cost of automotive and other industries increased significantly. 受此影响,新日铁等将钢材价格提高近4成,进而造成汽车等众多行业成本显著增加。
- South Korea's POSCO said on Monday it will work together with Japan's Nippon Steel Corp. in negotiating iron ore prices in order to strengthen the steel makers' buying power. 韩国浦项制铁公司周一表示,将同新日本制铁公司联手进行铁矿交易价格的谈判,以占领更多市场份额。
- Nippon Steel and Posco said they would jointly study the market conditions and co-operate closely in negotiating the annual iron ore talks, which are expected to start this month. 新日铁和浦项制铁表示,它们将共同研究市场环境,并在年度铁矿石价格谈判中密切合作。2007年铁矿石价格谈判预计将于本月启动。
- Prior to this, Rio Tinto took the lead with Japan's Nippon Steel to achieve 33 percent annual price agreement, but China refused to follow, so far has been a stalemate. 此前,力拓率先与日本新日铁达成年度降价33%25的协议,但中国拒绝跟随,僵持一直至今。
- Posco and Nippon Steel announced measures in October to spend about $460m to raise their stakes in each other by 2 per cent and to supply semi-finished products to each other at times of plant repairs. 新日铁和浦项制铁今年10月份宣布,拟斥资约4.;6亿美元,将交叉持股比例增加2%25,并在工厂维修保养期间互相供应半成品。
- We Heng Bo seamless materials experts said that Nippon Steel is also studying the reopening of the main steel plant so Kimitsu and Nagoya, hachiman, Oita, such as coke production plant. 我们恒博物资的无缝管专家表示,目前新日铁还在研究重开主力工厂君津制铁所以及名古屋、八幡、大分等工厂的焦炉生产。
- In Japan Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Industries are two main companies for producing the steel sheet piles.This paper introduces the development and application of the steel sheet piles in Japan. 新日铁和住友金属是钢板桩主要生产企业,重点叙述日本钢板桩的发展和应用。