- No Operational Plan Published 无作战计划发布(联合作战计划系统)
- They had no operational plan except to hang on. 他们除坚守以外并没有其他作战计划。
- Green Olympic Action Plan published in August 2000 will be fully implemented. 在今后工作中全面推行2000年8月制订的《绿色奥运行动计划》。
- There is no operational benefit to placing multiple distributors on one server. 将多个分发服务器置于一台服务器对操作没有任何好处。
- There were no operative death in all. 两组均无手术死亡。
- His operational plans have been completely upset. 他们的作战计划完全被打乱了。
- The R2_NOP mode is a "no operation. R2_NOP 模式是“不操作”。
- The mayor has been slow to react, says Tony McNulty, the minister for London, who dismisses his recovery plan published in December as a “glossy document”. 负责伦敦的部长托尼.;麦克纳蒂认为市长反应有失迅速。麦克纳蒂去年12月曾经把自己出版的复苏计划贬为“敷衍了事,无关痛痒”。
- The specific operational plan for the units of the Second Field Army is to be worked out by its commanders. 二野各兵团之具体作战部署,由二野首长另以详细命令规定之。
- If no operational experience is available, it is recommended that the adhesive manufacturer be contacted for advice. 如用户没有这方面的操作经验,建议与粘合剂制造商联系洽询。
- Processing in which there is little or no operator action. 没有或极少有操作员进行干预的处理过程。
- Set up the company's fund operational plan, monitor fund management report, forecast and final accounts report;? 制定公司资金运营计划,监督资金管理报告和预、决算;
- Develop production schedule and plant operations plan. 完成生产计划及工厂操作计划。
- Says that nothing should be done (noop stands for "no operation"). 说,不应作出任何( noop主张“没有行动” ) 。
- Operation plan was made carefully and scientifically. 制定科学、周密、详尽的手术预案。
- Identify/prioritize/provide resources on a shift to meet the annual operational plan and budgetary commitments. 鉴别/优先/提供资源以达到年度运作计划和预算的目标.
- If no operator has been configured on the auto attendant, the call will be transferred to a dial plan operator, if one has been configured. 如果未在自动助理上配置操作员,则在配置了拨号计划操作员的情况下,该呼叫将转到拨号计划操作员。
- The operational plan as well as the arrangement of march to the South were formulated by MAS. 南昌起义的作战计划及南下广东的行军安排,均由参谋团拟定。
- If it turns out that Pyongyang has developed no operational enrichment facilities at all--or only LEU, not HEU, facilities--Washington's claim will be discredited. 但如果找出朝鲜只是一直在发展没有运行的铀浓缩设施,或者只是低浓缩铀项目而不是高浓缩铀项目,那么美国在朝鲜问题上的发言就将不足采信。
- No operative deaths. no residual mitral regurgitation and stenosis occured. 术后恢复平稳,没有手术死亡,无二尖瓣关闭不全和二尖瓣狭窄发生。