- No Skate Boarding on Campus 不得在校园内玩耍滑板车
- Thank you . I think I should also have a look at the bulletin boards on campus to see if anyone's got a sublet. 谢谢。我想我也要到校园里的告示板那看看有没有人转租。
- Interest in the skate board tailed off. 人们对滑冰板的兴趣渐渐小了。
- No permitting throw rubbish on campus. 在校园里不准丢垃圾.
- My mom says that skate boarding is dangerous. 我妈妈说玩滑板很危险。
- They are asked to live on campus. 校方要求他们住校。
- No smoking after you entering the station or boarding on the train. 车站及列车内请勿吸烟。
- Job is available for spouse on campus and in the community. 校园里和社区里有配偶可做的工作。
- The dissident element on campus. 校园内的持不同意见者
- Gambling On Campus: New Directions For Student Services No. 校园赌博:学生服务新方向。
- Jobs are available for spouses on campus and in the community. 校园里和社区里有配偶可做的工作。
- No entry,exit or loitering on campus without bearing school badge. 六、不配带校徽不准出入校门和校园内走动。
- Are we now boarding on DL1131 to Durham/ Raleigh? 6(登机前确认)问这是去往罗利的DL1131航班么?
- The skate board was popular for a while but interest in it eventually tailed off. 滑冰板曾一度很流行,但是人们对它的兴趣最终渐小了。
- There are virtually no students on campus, because there is no campus. 他们的校园里几乎没有一名学生,因为他们根本就没有传统意义上的校园。
- Did you have to live on campus last year? 去年你必须住校吗?
- This board on the bridge is shaky. 这块桥板直颤悠。
- They are demanded to live on campus. 校方要求他们住校。
- I go swimming at the pool on campus. 我去校园里的游泳池游泳。
- They put up a board on the wayside. 他们路旁竖起了一个牌子。