- No recipe for eternal youth 驻颜无术
- There is no recipe for creative vision and good design judgment. 创造力和优秀的设计判断力并没有现成的处方。
- There was no recipe for her minestrone soup. It was always a work in progress. 妈妈的意大利蔬菜通心粉汤的配料并无定规。它总是在不断的改善之中。
- In the endless American battle for eternal youth, glow-ing good health, and an attractive figure, food is on the front lines, and flavour is the first casualty. 在以永保青春、身体健康和有魅力的身材为目标的无尽战斗中,食物首当其冲,味道则是第一牺牲品。
- In the endless American battle for eternal youth,glow-ing good health,and an attractive figure,food is on the front lines,and flavour is the first casualty. 在以永保青春、身体健康和有魅力的身材为目标的无尽战斗中,食物首当其冲,味道则是第一牺牲品。
- The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. 适合一个人的鞋子会夹痛另一个人的脚,不存在适合一切人的生活方式。
- His bleak job is to lure innocent lovelies to Morgane"s castle where they will be persuaded to give up their souls in exchange for eternal youth and beauty. 迷雾升起,她们的车如同遭遇了“鬼打墙”,怎么开总是回到了原地,几次尝试后,两人放弃了徒劳的举动,找了一个地方睡下,等待黎明的来到。
- He knows the recipe for this dish. 他知道这道菜的烹饪方法。
- There is no so called "recipe for success". 所谓“成功的诀窍”是不存在的。
- His plans are a recipe for (ie are likely to lead to) disaster. 他的计画後患无穷。
- He thinks the one recipe for success lies in hard work. 他认为成功的唯一诀窍在於勤奋。
- She is the woman who found the secret to eternal youth. 她是一个懂得如何保持青春永驻的女人。
- He gives a very good recipe for cakes. 他传授了非常好的糕饼制法。
- What is your recipe for success? 你取得成功有什麽窍门?
- I've got a good recipe for fudge. 我有一套做奶油软糖的好方法。
- And that supposition is a recipe for failure. 而前述推想,是为失败开的处方。
- His plans are a recipe for disaster. 他的计划后患无穷。
- Do you have the recipe for this cake? 你有这种蛋糕的食谱吗?
- That would be a sure recipe for a future slowdown. 毫无疑问,紧随其后的将会是未来增速的放缓。
- Before the doctors appropriated it, the caduceus was worn by people who wanted the gift of eloquence and eternal youth. 在医生们将节杖“据为己有”之前,佩戴节杖的人们是想得到神灵赋予的辩才和永恒的青春。