- There is no property in the seashore. 海岸非任何人私有。
- He has no property, and is living from hand to mouth. 他没有财产,生活仅够糊口。
- In as much as the debtor has no property, Iabandoned the claim. 因为债务人无财产,我放弃了债务。
- The lowest class of citizens of ancient Rome who had no property. 古罗马社会最底层的公民没有财产。
- In as much as the debtor has no property , Iabandoned the claim. 21因为债务人无财产,我放弃了债务。
- Inasmuch as the debtor has no property, I abandoned the claim. 由于债务人没有财产,因此我便放弃了债权。
- The new system will give greater security to property interests and simplify conveyancing. 新制度将会加强保障物业权益及简化物业转易程序。
- M. Myriel had no property,his family having been ruined by the Revolution. 米里哀先生绝没有财产,因为他的家已在革命时期破落了。
- States apply different concepts in classifying certain property interests as tangible or intangible property. 各州在确定有形资产和无形资产的财产利益时采取不同的概念。
- The Enumerator object has no properties. Enumerator对象没有属性。
- No properties are available on this object. 此对象没有属性。
- The common law governing property interests in land was developed after the Norman Conquest upon the base of the feudal system. 普通法中有关土地财产权的部分,是在诺曼征服之后,在封建制基础上发展起来的。
- For example, coercive regulation of business enterprises, almost by definition, invades their property interests, because it limits their freedom to engage in profitable activity. 例如,强制管理经营企业,这几乎从定义上看就侵犯了企业的财产利益,因为它限制企业从事有利可图的活动的自由。
- There are no properties to set for this multimedia device class. 对于这种类别的多媒体设备,没有需要设置的属性。
- For simplicity, there are no properties set for this service. 为简单起见,没有为该服务设置属性。
- He shopped with a real estate broker who owns no property of her own. I shopped at the foreclosure department of a bank. 他是通过一位房地产经纪人来购买的,而这位经纪人却并未拥有属于他自己的房产。而我是在一家银行的破产清偿部购买的。
- The Court analogized this informal tenure system to an implied contract term, and concluded that it was sufficient to give the dismissed teacher a constitutionally protected property interest. 法院用类推法比较了该案的非正式任期制度与暗含的合同条款,最终结论如下:给予被解雇的教师宪法保障的财产利益是充分的。
- There was no property involved, because the owner of the saloon merely rented from an estate. 这中间不涉及房产问题,因为这是酒店主人从一个房地产商那里租来用的。
- A dimensionless geometric object having no properties except location. 点除了位置没有其它特点的无维几何体
- I have no money no property I am entirely dependent upon that bizarre old lunatic my uncle.I cannot yet offer marriage but you must know what I feel. 我既没钱,又没房产,完全仰赖我那个古怪的疯子舅舅,我还不能像你求婚,但我要你明白我的心意。