- Nocardia atlantica 大西洋诺卡(氏)菌
- Purification of Nitrile Hydratase from Nocardia sp. 腈水合酶的纯化过程研究。
- Some to Atlantica's bays, and so to the great salt brine. 亚特兰蒂斯港湾,巨大的盐湖变浅。
- Epoxysuccinate hydrolase production in fed-batch cultivation of Nocardia sp. 发酵生产环氧琥珀酸水解酶的研究。
- Studies on fermentation optimization of nitrile hydratase Nocardia sp. HD9611 (产腈水合酶菌Nocardia sp.
- The major pesticide degrading actinomycetes were Nocardia, Streptomyces, etc. 降解农药的放线菌主要有诺卡氏菌属、链霉属等。
- Pus and sputum cultures yielded trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX)-resistant Nocardia asteroides. 脓疡和痰液培养长出对磺胺类药物具有抗药性的土壤丝菌。
- Using Choice, our online chat system, we can answer all question within 5 minutes atlantica gold . 演出现场节目虽重复 观众仍买账在上周五小沈阳晚上首场演出前,下午三点多钟就有十几个“黄牛党”就位,开始寻摸晚上的演出票。
- Other cities that have expressed interest in the 2020 Olympics include Istanbul, Budapest and atlantica gold. 其他曾表示有兴趣主办2020年奥运会的城市,包括伊斯坦堡、布达佩斯和德里。
- That's not to say there aren't interesting titles to check out, such as Dreamlords, Atlantica and SAGA. 它会显示您的阶级,阶级,著名的排名,服务器名称和公会名称。看看他们的新闻稿上得到完整的信息之一吧。
- SEM result indicates that the mycelium on the surface of ectoblast of Nocardia cell is the important attachable site. 扫描电镜检测结果表明, 诺卡氏菌细胞表面的菌丝是重要的吸附部位;
- Nocardia cell concentration, stirring speed and temperature have no obviously effect on selective adsorption. 细胞悬浊液浓度、搅拌速度和温度对吸附效果影响不大, 均可产生选择性吸附。
- Rathkea octopunctata appeared mainly in the February peak,Phialidium mainly in the June peak,Muggiaea atlantica and Eirene mainly in the October peak. 渤海水母类密度的季节变化有3个高峰,出现在冬季,夏季和秋季,分别由八斑芮氏水母、酒杯水母属、和平水母属、五角水母构成。
- The infectious agent responsible here was Nocardia, which is known to produce chronic abscessing inflammation. 此处引起感染的因素是诺卡菌属,主要引起慢性脓肿。
- A northern African evergreen tree (Cedrus atlantica) , having green to silvery-blue foliage and widely grown as an ornamental. 阿特拉斯雪松:非洲北部的常绿乔木,(大西洋雪松)有绿色到银蓝色的树叶,作为装饰而被广泛栽培
- Nitrile Hydratase Super-induction and Fermentation Method Modification of Nocardia sp. HD9611 (产腈水合酶菌Nocardia sp.
- Plagiochila atlantica -A description of the habitat in which this species grows in Wales, along with a photograph of the gametophyte. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- The selective adsorption of Nocardia on the surface of pyrite and sphalerite was studied under various conditions. 研究了诺卡氏菌在不同影响因素条件下,在黄铁矿和闪锌矿表面的选择性吸附。
- The second round of Atlantica Online's closed beta is set to start today, Aug. 7, at 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Saving Time. 王者世界第2次封测于今日下午6点(北美太平洋夏令时-约北京时间2008.;08