- Nomura Toshiyuki 野村敏之(1918-),日本人,银行家。
- Mr.Ikegami joined Nomura Group in 1979. 池上先生于1979年加入野村集团。
- Ogata N, Imaizumi M, Nomura S,et al. 陈益民,许志良,徐丹。
- Money is flowing into ones that are unimpaired, says Nomura. 野村证券说,资金正在流入未受损害的领域。
- Nomura : Well, if we did a sequel I think Kain is definitely in (laughs). (诶,如果我们所续作的话,Kain一定会在里头。
- With the recommendation of Nomura, Yamada directed his first film Strangers Upstairs (56 mins. 在野村的推荐下,山田执导了首部电影《二楼的陌生人》(片长56分钟)。
- Etsuo Morishita, Masahiro Sugihara, Toshiyuki Nakamura, “Scroll Compressor Dynamics”, Bulletin of JSME, vol.29, no.248, pp.476-482, 1986. 李运仁,“螺旋式与涡卷式压缩机之几何暨热流与动力分析”,国立台湾大学机械工程学研究所博士论文,1996年
- Nomura Giko manufactures superheated steam generation devices powered by electromagnetic induction heating. 通过电磁诱导加热制造生产过热蒸汽发生装置。
- Toshiyuki Sakai said his team had found "alopestatin" reduced hair loss by 70 percent when used on rats also gien etoposide anti-cancer drugs. 酒井敏行称他的研究小组发现,alopestatin可使服用抗癌药物依托泊苷(etoposide)的大鼠减少七成的脱毛。
- Nomura once again promised an announcement of the new game, whatever it may be, some time this year. 野村又一次的承诺将在今年里会有一个对着新游戏的公告!
- Earlier Nomura Securities announced that it would DSG shares rating from "neutral," up to "buy. 稍早时野村证券宣布,将DSG的股票评级从“中性”升至“买进”。
- And Nomura paid a pittance for the European, Asian and Middle Eastern operations of Lehman Brothers after it went bust. 野村在雷曼兄弟宣布破产后也以较少的金额购入了其在欧洲、亚洲和中东地区的部分业务。
- With actor husband are Yosuke (Toshiyuki Nagashima), and young rookie Junko Kotani (beautiful ornaments) with one leg, is ready and the United States divorced persons. 同是演员的丈夫洋介(永岛敏行饰)和年轻的新秀小谷纯子(美景饰)有了一腿,正准备和名美离婚。
- Nomura research shows that momentum stocks are still expensive compared with their historic average valuations. 野村证券的研究表明,与历史平均估值相比,动力股票仍显昂贵。
- With her husband actor Yosuke (Toshiyuki Nagashima), and the young rookie Junko Kotani (beautiful decorated) with one leg, and of the United States is preparing to divorce. 英文剧情:Tsuchiya popular actress of the United States (Kita Island dance ornaments) Although the cause of the sun at high noon; but the private sector is experiencing a critical life.
- Mao Zefeng of PetroChina collects the award for Best investment meetings/one-on-ones from Michelle Toy of Nomura. 毛泽锋(董事会助理秘书,投资者关系主管)代表中国石油上台领取奖项“最佳投资会议/一对一会议”,
- Mingchun Sun of Nomura reckons that the stimulus will be enough to achieve 8% growth this year. 野村证券的孙明春(音)认为,经济刺激方案能够实现8%25的年度经济增长。
- If we do see a change in behavior, Nomura says that equities at least are unequivocally at a deflated stage of the cycle. 野村公司说,如果人们的经济行为真要发生变化,那么股市至少要处在景气周期的收缩阶段。
- Yesterday, HSBC, Nomura Securities, Italy and the United Bank of Credit and Mo-Astoria news events related to the huge risk exposure. 昨日,汇丰银行、野村证券、意大利联合信贷银行又传出与莫道夫事件相关的巨额风险敞口。