- Chronic non communicable diseases 慢性非传染性疾病
- Non communicable diseases 慢性非传染性疾病
- Support strategy development for communicable diseases. 支援传染病的策发展。
- Communicable diseases have been a curse of mankind since time immemorial. 自古以来,某些传染性疾病就是人类的灾祸。
- Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of insects. 某些传染病只通过昆虫来传播。
- The direct cause, such as a bacterium or virus, of a communicable disease. 传染原传染性疾病的直接病因,例如某种细菌或病毒
- Chronic and non - communicable diseases 慢性非传染性疾病
- School health officers and nurses advise on the control of communicable diseases and organise health education activities and immunisation campaigns. 分区办事处的医生和护士则会就如何控制传染病的问题提供意见,并举办健康教育活动和防疫注射活动。
- Chronic non - communicable diseases 慢性非传染性疾病
- Dengue fever is an acute communicable disease caused by virus. 登革热是一种由过滤性病毒所引起的急性传染病。
- When people are ill, even with communicable diseases, they often do not isolate themselves or seek proper treatment. 常常,人们生命时,即使患了会传染的疾病,并不会把自己隔离起来,或去寻求恰当的治疗。
- Most recently she served as assistant director-general for communicable diseases. 最近,她担任了传染病部门助理总干事。
- Some communicable diseases are transmitted only through the agency of vermin or insects. 某些传染病只通过害虫和昆虫来传播。
- The Executive Director of WHO's communicable diseases, David Heymann said this is a very significant achievement. 世卫传染病科主管海曼表示,这是一个重大的成就。
- APHA. 2000. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual. 1 7th ed. American Public Health Association. 兽医公共卫生学。中华民国兽医学会。1992。
- We take environmental health measures to keep off communicable disease. 我们采取措施保护环境卫生以防止发生传染性疾病。
- Objective To explore the influence on the outbreak of communicable diseases by the 1998 flooding and related factors. 摘要目的探讨1998年洪灾对湖北省传染病流行的影响及相关的因素。
- The relationship between natural disasters and communicable diseases is frequently misconstrued. 人们常常误解自然灾害与传播性疾病之间的关系。
- There are only two things a child will share willingly: communicable diseases and his mother"s age. 只有二件事物一个孩子将会自动地分享:可传达的疾病和他母亲的年龄。
- National health authorities may also require specified notifiable communicable diseases to be reported at once. 国家卫生局也被要求记载需申报的流行性疾病并及时上报。