- North Pacific Air Navigation 北太平洋航空导航区
- Canada and the Aboriginal Peoples of the North Pacific region. 加拿大与北太平洋地区的土著民族。
- Developing Wave Packets in the North Pacific Storm Track. 北太平洋风暴路径中波包的发展。
- The relationship between them with winter SSTA over North Pacific is examined. 分析了这3个区域夏季降水的年际、年代变化与北太平洋冬季海表温度异常的关系。
- Economic forces are reshaping the provision of airports and air navigation services. 经济力量正重塑机场与空中导航服务的组织和操作。
- Deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific,valued for food. 北大西洋和北太平洋远洋深水中熏黑色刺状鳍鱼,珍贵食品。
- It was called the daily wine for millionaire in Hong Kong and being poured for First and Business Class passengers on Cathay Pacific Air from 1985. 她深受饮家和葡萄酒爱好者的追捧,在香港更被誉为亿万富翁的日常餐酒。从1985年开始,林卓贝斯就成为国泰航空头等舱的指定用酒。
- The Observatory was awarded the ISO 9001:2000 certification for its weather services for international air navigation in 2002. 天文台为国际航空提供的气象服务在2002年起获ISO9001:2000认证。
- Small slender fish (to 8 inches) with body covered by bony plates,chiefly of deeper north Pacific waters. 身体覆以骨盘的细长小鱼(可达8英寸),主要产于北太平洋深水域。
- It was the daily wine for many Hong Kong millionaires and being poured for First and Business Class passengers on Cathay Pacific Air ever from 1985. 她深受饮家和葡萄酒爱好者的追捧,在香港更被誉为亿万富翁的日常餐酒。从1985年开始,林卓贝斯便成为国泰航空头等舱的指定用酒。
- The role of eastern North Pacific tropical storms in the rainfall climatology of western Mexico. 北太平洋东部热带风暴对墨西哥西部降水的作用。
- North America Air Navigation Region 北美空中导航区
- Improvements in the Seasonal Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Western North Pacific. 北太平洋西部上空热带气旋活动季节预报的改进。
- Gazetteer North Pacific: Sagami Bay, Japan to the southern Kuril Islands and off Sakhalin, Russia. 北太平洋:日本的相模湾到千岛群岛南部与外海的萨哈林岛,俄国。
- In the Pacific Ocean is a slowly rotating system of currents called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. 在太平洋是一个缓慢旋转系统的电流称为北太平洋亚热带涡旋。
- Deep-bodied sooty-black pelagic spiny-finned fish of North Atlantic and North Pacific, valued for food. 北大西洋和北太平洋远洋深水中熏黑色刺状鳍鱼,珍贵食品。
- Within the framework of the International Civil Aviation Organization, the HKO is the designated meteorological authority in Hong Kong to provide the weather facilities and services for international air navigation. 在国际民用航空组织的架构下,天文台是香港的气象当局,为国际航空提供气象设施及服务。
- This is a cosmopolitan species with a distribution ranging from the Southern Ocean to the North Pacific. 这是一个世界性物种,从南部海洋到北太平洋都有分布。
- Japan stretches from the north Pacific island of Hokkaido to the much warmer Okinawa. 从延伸至北太平洋的北海道到温暖宜人的冲绳。
- North Pacific right whales could be the victims of planned gas drilling in the Bering Sea. 北太平洋的露脊鲸将成为(美国)白令海油气钻探的牺牲品.