- The African elephant is in a desperate plight. 非洲象正面临绝境。
- An African elephant has large floppy ears. 非洲象有一对肥大,松软下垂的耳朵。
- The Indian elephant is smaller than the African elephant. 印度象比非洲象小。
- African elephant having enormous flapping ears and ivory tusks. 耳朵大而飘、有象牙的非洲大象。
- They placed the African elephant on their endangered list. 他们把非洲大象列为濒危动物。
- He fought in the North African Campaign during the last war. 在上次战争中他在北非战役参战。
- North African mongoose; in ancient times thought to devour crocodile eggs. 非洲北部獴;古代曾被认为吞吃鳄鱼蛋。
- All this of course is outside the parish of the High North African Command. 所有这些当然都不属于北非最高司令部的职权范围以内。
- Hair of Latin-speaking and North African peoples can be very frizzy and thick. 而拉丁语国家及北非地区人们的头发卷曲而浓密。
- A pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina. 蒸粗麦粉源于北非的用压碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食
- There are two kinds of elephant, the African elephant and the Asian elephant (or Indian elephant). 大象有两种,分别是非洲象和亚洲象(也叫印度象)。
- Egypt is an(typical)North African country with dry weather and vast deserts. 埃及是个典型的北非国家,那里天气干燥,沙漠面积大。
- North African Moors discovered papermaking while trading with the East. 北非的摩尔人在与东方的贸易中发现了这种造纸术,
- Although both African elephant sexes have tusks, there are large differences in size and weight. 尽管非洲雌雄象都有长牙,但长度和重量有很大区别。
- African elephants have bigger ears. 非洲象的耳朵比较大。
- Ms Dati, whose parents are north African, would be one symbolic appointment. 对父母是北非人的达蒂女士的任命具有象征意义。
- The African elephant is the largest living land mammal. It has no natural enemies for there are none large enough to challenge it. 非洲象是居住在陆地上的最大的哺乳动物。它没有自然天敌,因为没有什么东西能大到对它构。
- And 5% of mammals are stable or are increasing, which has almost become extinct, including the African elephant and Huang You Blackfoot. 而5%25的哺乳动物则数量稳定或者正在不断增加,这其中包括曾经几乎灭绝的黑脚黄鼬和非洲象。
- North African annual resembling the sweet pea having showy but odorless flowers. 北美洲的一年生的植物,类似于香豌豆,具有艳丽但无味的花朵。
- The African elephant has a larger body and big, floppy ears, while the Indian elephant is a little smaller and has small, stubby ears. 非洲象身躯比较大,耳朵大且松软下垂,而印度象要小一些,耳朵小且粗厚。