- Medvedev also 11, watched the Russian Northern Fleet in the Barents Sea, held military exercises. 梅德韦杰夫11日还观看了俄罗斯北海舰队在巴伦支海举行的军事演习。
- Russian Northern Fleet is the Navy's fleet one of the big 4, the day-to-day garrison in the Kola Peninsula and White Sea coast. 北方舰队是俄联邦海军4大舰队之一,日常驻防在科拉半岛和白海沿岸。
- Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation is one of the Navy's fleet of the four, stationed daily in the Kola Peninsula and White Sea coast. 北方舰队是俄联邦海军四大舰队之一,日常驻防在科拉半岛和白海沿岸。
- This is August 18, 2000 shooting of the Russian Northern Fleet "Peter the Great" nuclear-powered missile cruiser of the photo. 这是2000年8月18日拍摄的俄北方舰队“彼得大帝”号核动力导弹巡洋舰的资料照片。
- If the Northern Fleet became involved in an internal conflict, “Reno” could move swiftly and silently into Soviet waters to counter any threat projected beyond Soviet borders. 一旦北方舰队介入,“雷诺”号就将马上悄悄潜入苏联水域,以便能够及时应对任何可能蔓延至苏联境外的威胁。
- Having graduated the General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of the RF, he continued service in the Northern Fleet as chief of staff and first deputy CO of a flotilla. 译文:俄罗斯武装力量总参军事学院毕业后,马索林继续留任北方舰队第7特别中队的参谋长兼第一副司令。
- According to the salvage plan, Kursk will be secured beneath a number of specially designed pontoons to be ferried to a dry dock in Murmansk, the base of Russia's Northern Fleet, for examination. 根据打捞计划,“库尔斯克”号将被吊在多艘特殊设计的平底驳船船底,运往俄罗斯北方舰队基地摩尔曼斯克。“库尔斯克”号将在那里接受检查。
- The reports say 25 pilots from the Northern Fleet have been training aboard the carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov" in the Barents Sea since mid-July and the training is expected to last the rest of the year. 报导说,俄罗斯北方舰队的25名飞行员从7月中旬开始一直在巴伦支海的库兹涅佐夫元帅号航空母舰上接受培训,预计训练会持续到今年年底。
- The Northern Fleet and the Japanese Navy 北洋舰队与日本海军
- Moss affects the northern slopes. 朝北的山坡易生苔。
- A camel fleet to carry me to my native place. 木兰不用尚书郎,愿借千里足,送儿还故乡。
- The combined fleet is armed to the teeth. 这支联合舰队全副武装。
- The fleet is-ring off the east coast. 舰队驶离东海岸进行演习。
- The fleet is manoeuvring in the Baltic. 该舰队正在波罗的海演习。
- He heads up the operation in northern Europe. 在北欧他领导企业的业务活动。
- The President reviewed the fleet. 总统检阅了舰队。
- Fleet Street loves a good scandal. 新闻界热衷於轰动性的丑闻。
- A native of India, especially northern India. 印度人尤指居住在印度北部的原居民
- Gazed with wonder at the northern lights. 惊奇地注视着北方的天光
- The company owns a fleet of car for its sale force to use. 这家公司拥有一个车队,供从事推销的雇员使用。