- When the Northern Wei Dynasty Qinzhou South East Yizhou Wudu County. 北魏时为南秦州,东益州武都郡。
- The Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) set up Shanshan and Yanqi garrison commands to strengthen its administration of the Western Regions. 北魏王朝设置鄯善镇、焉耆镇,加强对西域的治理。
- The dancers' images are varied, ranging from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Yuan Dynasty. 其中乐舞形象自成体系,琳琅满目,自北魏至元代,均有乐舞形象留存,
- Taiwu Emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty was the de facto inaugurator of the hanization of the Northern Wei Dynasty. 太武帝实是北魏汉化的开创者 ,但在这时 ,汉化还刚刚起步 ,充满了矛盾 ,且历经曲折。
- In Yuan Shao's Tomb of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are two figures of ethnic hu people. 北魏元邵墓有两件"胡人俑"
- The monk, Yu Yao, was ordered by the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) to supervise the historic project. 这个和尚就是北魏文成帝任命的和尚统领昱曜。
- Datong bronzes of a long history and superb technique, as early as the Northern Wei Dynasty, famous. 大同的铜器历史悠久,工艺精湛,早在北魏时期,就享有盛名。
- In recent years, there are some new materials about Northern Wei Dynasty epitaphs unearthed in Luoyang. 近年来,洛阳出土北魏墓志又出现了一些新的材料。
- Records show that the temple was built by an eminent monk named Tanluan in the 2nd year of Yanxing (472) of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386--534). 据记载,寺为北魏延兴二年(公元472年)由高僧云鸾大师所建。
- The reason for Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern WEI Dynasty to move the capital to Luoyang was because of the culture advantage of Luoyang. 摘要北魏孝文帝迁都洛阳的根本原因是为了其更具文化优势。
- In the Northern Wei Dynasty commodity exchange was not popular enough,but 'no exchange between money and commodities' was not a fact. 北魏时期 ,商品交换虽处于低迷状态 ,但“钱货无所周流”并非事实。
- Now left the Northern Wei Dynasty Stele, with a very high artistic value and historical value, is a rare art of calligraphy art. 现今留存下来的北魏碑刻,具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值,是书法艺术不可多得的艺术珍品。
- CUT Hao's thoughts of leadership was characterized by time which greatly influenced the feudalization of Northern Wei Dynasty. 崔浩的治国思想具有鲜明的时代性,对以后的北魏封建化有重要的影响。
- The carving started in the Northern Wei Dynasty (about the fifth century aD) and declined at the end of the fifth century as the Northern Wei moved its capital. 始凿于北魏(约公元五世纪),至五世纪末因北魏迁都而日渐衰落。
- Being the early focus of Buddhism during the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Yungang Grottos had great influence on grotto art development in other Chinese areas. 它作为北魏早期佛教艺术的中心,给各地石窟艺术以巨大的影响。
- Shuijing Zhu, Commentary on the Waterways Classics. written by Li Daoyuan (? --527) during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386--534) is a famous geographical work in Chinese history. 《水经注》为北魏郦道元所撰,是一部1400多年以前流传至今的历史名著。
- The emperors of the Northern Wei Dynasty maintained their own imperial authority and strengthened the centralization through striking the royal clansmen. 通过打击宗王,北魏皇帝维护了自己的皇权,使北魏的中央集权不断走向强大。
- Northern Wei Dynasty, when a statehood.sui kai huang three years (583 years) into the state forze zhou , when the territory of the county fordan chuan . 北魏时属建州。隋开皇三年(583年)改建州为泽州,时境内为丹川县。
- Maiji Mountain Grottoes in Gansu Dunhuang relief and murals of the Northern Wei Dynasty, we can see that Nguyen's modeling and shapes similar to the present. 在甘肃麦积山石窟浮雕和敦煌北魏壁画上,可以见到阮的造型与现在的形制相似。