- Nothaphoebe konishiin. 台湾赛楠
- Phoebe zhennana 18 m + 6 sin (4SAT ) i Nothaphoebe cavaleriei 24 m. 楠木(Phoebezhennana)18m+6sm(4SAT);
- We have sampled the C. Kawakamii and P. Konishii and build the scaffold recently for the study of flower phenology and pollinator et al. 之样株选定,近期搭设鹰架,以利开花物候及授粉媒介等研究目的。
- This study characterized the storage of Machilus konishii Hay.Seeds at various temperatures under dry and wet conditions. 摘要本文旨在利用不同温度下进行乾湿藏试验以研究小西氏楠种子的储藏特性。
- Cutting test on Cunninghamia konishii cuttage in artificial conditions 峦大杉扦插生根及生长
- Nothaphoeben. 赛楠属
- Nothaphoebe cavaleriein. 赛楠
- Nothaphoebe fargesiin. 城口赛楠
- Lithocarpus konishiin. 油叶柯
- Neolitsea konishiin. 五掌楠
- Euscaphis konishii Hayata 圆齿野鸦椿
- Symplocos konishiin. 台东山矾
- Euscaphis konishii 圆齿野鸦椿
- Cunninghamia konishiin. 台湾杉木
- App. konishiin. 栲叶柯附丝壳