- Carbamide can be used as nucleate agent and minish the cellular dimension evidently. 碳酸胺能起到成核剂的作用,显著减小泡沫塑料泡孔尺寸;
- The nucleating agent is fluorbaryt. 晶核剂为萤石。
- Various kinds of the nucleating agent were also des... 介绍了几种新型成核剂,展望了成核剂今后的发展方向。
- Some factors affecting the transparency of the abietyl nucleating agent for PP were studied,and some reasons were investigated by PLM and DSC. 实验研究了松香型成核剂在聚丙烯(PP)中成核增透效果的影响因素,并通过偏光显微镜(PLM)和差热扫描量热分析(DSC)探讨了其中原因。
- Dibenzylidene sorbitol and its derivatives were widely used as nucleating agent in polyolefine plastics. 二亚苄基山梨糖醇及其衍生物是一类应用效果好、市场前景比较广阔的聚烯烃塑料透明化成核剂。
- The heat treatment process and effects of the nucleation agent on the nucleation and crystallization were explored. 探讨了微晶玻璃的热处理工艺制度及晶核剂对核化、晶化的影响。
- The variety of nucleating agent for PP and its effect on the crystallization behavior of PP are introduced. 摘要介绍了聚丙烯成核剂的种类及其对聚丙烯结晶性能的影响;
- The process of microaldehyde deodorization for the PP transparent nucleating agent were studied. 研究了脱除聚丙烯透明成核剂中微量芳醛的方法。
- The progress in the study and the future of the application of the nucleating agent for PP are reviewed. 对国内外聚丙烯成核剂的研究进展和应用前景进行了综述。
- The results show that, core-shell impact modifier can act as nucleation agent, which can increase the crystallinity of nylon11 blend alloy. 实验结果显示,核-壳冲击改性剂具有成核剂的作用,有助于共混体系结晶度的提高。
- The results indicate that the addition of a nucleating agent and a thickening agent can inhibit supercooling and eliminate segregation. 结论是,加入成核剂和增稠剂能抑制过冷并消除分层。
- The results show that, core-shell impact modifier can act as nucleation agent, which can increase the crystallinity of nylon 11 blend alloy. 实验结果显示,核-壳冲击改性剂具有成核剂的作用,有助于共混体系结晶度的提高。
- The results showed the use of nucleating agent DICPK could improve the crystallization and impact performance of weatherproof PP greatly. 结果表明,成核剂DICPK可明显改善耐候性PP的结晶形态,提高耐候性聚丙烯的抗冲击性能。
- The effect of the amount of nucleating agent on properties of wolfram tailing glass-ceramic were investigated by means of DTA, XRD, TEM and SEM. 用差热分析、X射线衍射、透射电镜、扫描电镜研究了萤石含量对钨渣微晶玻璃性能的影响。
- The suitable nucleating agents can be selected according to thermodynamics. 根据热力学可以选择合适的形核剂。
- The phosphate is used not only as the main material of low-melting sealing glass, and also as the nucleating agent and the filler. 磷酸盐在低熔封接玻璃中既作为主要原料也是成核剂及填料。
- The phase change property of this system is improved by adding different anti-coagulating mediums and ninehydrol sodium silicate as nucleating agent. 以不同量的九水合硅酸钠为成核剂,并加入不同的抗沉淀剂,克服蓄热材料的过冷和相分离现象。
- Results showed that zeolite antimicrobial as a nucleating agent improved the crystallization, lowered the tensile strength of blended fiber. 结果表明:抗菌剂的引入使聚丙烯产生了异相成核,提高了结晶度,降低了纤维的拉伸强度;
- I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。
- In this paper,the effects of composition of transition metal oxides,atmosphere and the nucleation agent on the gloss of metal glazes in ferric oxides were discussed. 本文采用廉价的铁系氧化物,研究了过渡金属氧化物的组成、气氛、晶核剂等因素对釉面金属光泽的影响。