- Obama Administration Defends US Dollar as Global Reserve Currency. 美高官预计美元国际货币地位不变。
- The Obama administration's commitment to "soft power" is already faltering. 奥巴马政府有关“软实力”的承诺已经在摇摇欲坠。
- She told them the Obama Administration will stand by them in their travails. 克林顿告诉她们,在她们遭受痛苦和艰辛的时候,奥巴马政府和他们站在一道。
- In the meantime the Obama administration is loth to raise the gas tax. 与此同时,新一任奥巴马政府不倾向于提升天然气税费。
- D. says the Obama administration is ready for talks with the Syrian government. D.;称奥巴马政府准备与叙利亚政府进行谈判。
- But the Obama administration, as explained by Brimmer, has a different view. 但是布里默解释说,奥巴马政府持不同观点。
- The Obama Administration has been at pains to sell today’s kickoff meeting of the U.S. 奥巴马政府为了今天中美战略经济对话的首场会议煞费苦心。
- Spokesman Duguid says the Obama administration is currently reviewing its policy toward Damascus. 国务院发言人杜吉德说,奥巴马政府目前正在重新审议美国对大马士革的政策。
- Mr.Summers reached out to Mr.Brosens in December to discuss the Obama administration’s economic priorities. 萨默斯曾在去年12月,邀请布洛森商讨奥巴马政府的经济优先事务。
- Mister Geithner said the Obama administration will continue working with Congress on details of the proposal. 盖特纳先生说,奥巴马政府将继续与国会就该计划的细节进行合作。
- But neither Congress nor, alas, the Obama administration is showing any inclination to act. 但是,国会也罢,奥巴马政府也罢,都没有表现出来任何行动的迹象。
- The Obama administration says that while it wants tighter regulations, it has no plans to nationalize banks. 奥巴马政府表示,尽管白宫希望加强监管,但没有将银行国有化的计划。
- Michele Flournoy says the Obama Administration will be careful in implementing the expected troop increase. 弗卢努瓦表示,奥巴马政府在增军问题上会谨慎行事。
- The Obama administration appeared to have found out about the security official's case only by happenstance. 奥巴马政府似乎是通过偶然的机会才发现这位安全助理的病症。
- Nouriel Roubini, a/k/a “Dr.Doom,” is giving the Obama administration’s new plan to buy toxic assets the thumbs up. 毁灭博士鲁比尼大赞奥巴马政府的恶性资产收购计划。
- Japan has been getting a lot of attention from the newly inaugurated Obama administration. 日本一直受到美国新上任的奥巴马政府的关注,
- The decision comes as the Obama administration readies its ideas for reforming executive pay. 做出这一决定是因为奥巴马政府决心对管理人员的报酬制度进行改革。
- I think the Obama administration has succumbed to political pressure and scaremongering by the big banks. 我想奥巴马管理当局已经被政治压力和这些大银行的恐吓压倒了。
- Gates will be the lone Republican holdover from the Bush Cabinet in the Obama administration. 盖茨将成为唯一保持共和党的布什内阁中的奥巴马管理。
- Brimmer promises the Obama administration will be an active and constructive participant in Council deliberations. 承诺奥巴马政府将积极地、有建设性的参与到理事会的讨论中。