- Response: What can hinder me from obeying God? 回应:有什麽拦阻我归顺神的事?
- The highest motive for obeying God is the desire to please Him. 顺服主的最高动机,乃是为了讨他喜悦。
- And in serving our God, and obeying God that is how human beings achieve true happiness. 我们顺服神,我们为神而活,我们才能达到真正的幸福。
- Outwardly they were making a big show of obeying God, but actually they did not practice what they preached. 表面上,他们毕恭毕敬地谨守神的命令,但实质上却没有真正实行出来。
- Adam and Eve obeyed God and lived as Hiers friends. 就这样,亚当跟夏娃遵照祂的话去做,生活得像上帝的朋友一样。
- Incline your hearts to obey God's laws. 倾心服从上帝的律法吧。
- If we do not obey God, we try to be God ourselves. 若我们不听从上帝,那我们就是试著自己做上帝。
- Along with God's presence in their midst came His blessings as well.By obeying God and heeding the voice of Haggai, God's messenger, the people were restored to a place of favour with Him. 只有当人听上帝的话又顺服上帝时,人才会讨上帝的喜悦,并且得到上帝的赐福。
- Parents Should Train Their Children to Know and Obey God's Will. 父母当教导子女知晓上帝意愿,服从他的训示。
- Our opportunities to obey God's promptings are also fleeting. 我们遵行上帝指示的机会同样也是稍纵即逝。
- When we obey God's nudges, we open the door to miracles. 当我们顺服上帝的催使,我们打开了神迹之门。
- Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men! 彼得和众使徒回答说:“顺从上帝,不顺从人,是应当的。
- When they obeyed God and did what God ordered them to do, the wall of Jericho fell down. 当他们顺服上帝,照命令去做,耶利哥城就毁坏。
- What God wants us to do is to obey God's leading quietly,Arching around the city wall slowly and patiently. 上帝要我们做的就是安静的顺服祂的带领、用持续的忍耐,一圈一圈安静、慢慢地绕,
- The reason is because he constantly read, meditated upon, and obeyed God's Word. 原因是,他不停地阅读、思想、顺从上帝的话语。
- God's image within them was defaced, and they no longer had the ability to love and obey God perfectly. 上帝在他们身上的形象在污损,和他们不再有能力完全的爱和服从上帝。
- Anyone who obeys God's laws and teaches them will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 凡是遵行上帝的律法,又教导别人遵行的,在天国里将称为大的。
- God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. 上帝祝福第七天并且使它成为神圣的日子。
- He eradicated Baalism from Israel but did not obey God's laws, continuing to allow the calf-worship of Jeroboam. 他虽然从以色列中驱逐了巴力敬拜,但并没有顺服上帝的律法,还继续容许耶罗波安的金牛犊存在以色列。
- Imagine how many more would have died if David had not obeyed God or interceded on behalf of his people. 想想看,如果大卫不顺服上帝,或没有为他的百姓代求,以色列民中丧亡的人不知会有多少。