- Analyzed the computer basic course tradition order to teach Word, Excel, PowerPoint, proposed the feasibility and merit to first taught PowerPoint, finally specifically elaborated the teaching method and the mentality of PowerPoint. 分析了计算机基础课传统的讲授Word、Excel、PowerPoint的顺序,提出了首先讲授PowerPoint的可行性和优点,最后具体阐述PowerPoint的教学方法和思路。
- In regard to teaching method, we have not yet discussed it. 关于教学方法,我们还没有讨论。
- The teaching method marked a now epoch in education. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
- The post office is opposite to the first teaching building. 邮局在第一教学楼的对面。
- Our new teaching method rates with the students. 我们的新教学法受到学生的欢迎。
- We put our first teaching session down as a smashing success. 我们说我们的第一期教学工作异常成功。
- He dared a new teaching method in his class. 他敢于尝试新的教学方法。
- FYI: Project topics are due at the end of the first teaching block. 项目课题以第一教学块末期为期限。
- We'll try to improve our teaching methods. 我们要设法改进教学方法。
- Project topics are due at the end of the first teaching block. 项目课题定于教学第一阶段(模块)的期末完成。
- She's enthusiastic about the new teaching method. 她对新的教学方法很热心。
- His teaching method has more or less improved. 他的教学方法多少有些改进了。
- His teaching method proved to be wrong. 他的教育方法证实错了。
- Our teacher uses a very good teaching method. 我们教师的教学方法很好。
- They are trying out a new teaching method. 他们正在试验新教学方法。
- How is the new teaching method being tried there? 那里是怎样试行这种新教学方法的?
- If there is already an item with the same key, the Cache object first removes it before adding the new item to the in-memory store and the backing store. 如果已经有一个具有相同关键字的项,则在将新项添加到内存存储和后备存储中之前,Cache对象会首先删除它。
- They will soon get used to your teaching method. 不久他们就会习惯你的教学方法。
- We were first taught to recite the words in alphabetic order. 首先我们学会按字母顺序背诵单词。
- Adopted a Western teaching method. 还是外国人呢!采用的是西式的教学方式。