- Obligatory right nature 债权属性
- In nature, the right to petition of consignment is a kind of right to petition of obligatory right, including the right of requesting to consign and to correct the consignment. 动产交付请求权性质上为债权请求权,包括请求交付的权利和请求更正交付的权利。
- But, the total amount received from the distribution through exercising the right shall not exceed the amount of the obligatory right to be liquidated. 但是,其行使权利所得分配总额,不得超过其应受清偿的债权额。
- The part exceeding the amount of the obligatory right, shall be owned by the mortgagor, while the short part shall be satisfied by the debtor. 超过债权数额的部分,归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
- The legal action concerning the obligatory rights has started. (二)关此项债权的诉讼已经开始。
- Where the bankruptcy assignee dissolves the contract and the counterpart has already paid a deposit, the right for claiming the deposit will be the bankruptcy obligatory right. 破产清算人解除合同,对方当事人已给付定金的,以定金额为限的返还请求权作为破产债权。
- Where the contract is dissolved according to provisions in proceeding four paragraphs, the counterparts right of claiming damages will the bankruptcy obligatory right. 依前四款规定解除合同时,对方当事人请求损害赔偿的权利作为破产债权。
- The counterplead right means that the right of, when the creditor exercises his obligatory right, the debtor according to legal reasons executing the petition right against the creditor. 债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩。抗辩权是指债权人行使债权时,债务人根据法定事由,对抗债权人行使请求权的权利。
- The implementationof hypothecary guarantee obligatory right is the final link that can exercisethe function of hypothecation and also is one of the cores content of thehypothecation system. 房产抵押担保的目的在于确保债权的实现,抵押担保债权的实现是房产抵押权担保功能实行的最终环节,也是房产抵押权制度的核心内容之一。
- The implementation of hypothecary guarantee obligatory right is the final link that can exercise the function of hypothecation and also is one of the cores content of the hypothecation system. 房产业是澳门的主要支柱产业之一,在澳门整体经济中占有相当重要的地位。
- The money or property of his own unit includes all property, invisible property and obligatory right his own unit possess by its own name or possess not by its own name but occupied by his own unit. 本单位财物,包括本单位以自己名义拥有或虽不以自己名义拥有但为本单位占有的一切物权、无形财物权和债权。
- The part of conciliating creditors rights that are not liquidated shall be exercised as bankrupt obligatory rights. 和解债权未受偿的部分,作为破产债权行使权利。
- First, it studies the influence of firm property right nature on the firm performance from the static and dynamic angles and on the basis of it establishes the relationship of private ownership structure and firm performance. 首先,从静态和动态的角度研究了企业产权性质对企业绩效的影响,在此基础上以企业产权性质为出发点对公司股权结构与企业绩效关系进行了实证研究,建立了民营上市公司股权结构与企业绩效的关系。
- The proceeding paragraph applies to obligatory rights with a term of dissolution where the creditor fails to provide any corresponding security. 前款的规定,准用于债权人未提供相当担保的附解除条件债权。
- pledge one's own obligatory right 对自己债权的设质
- legal pledge of obligatory right 法定债权质押
- Usufructuary Right Nature of Right to Lease Houses 论房屋租赁权的用益物权性质
- The conciliating creditors provided in the proceeding paragraph refer to those who enjoy obligatory rights to the debtor before the acceptance of the bankruptcy case by the peoples court. 前款规定的和解债权人,是指在人民法院受理破产案件前对债务人享有债权的人。
- Analysis of the Legal Nature of Encroachment of Obligatory Rights 侵害债权制度法律性质考察
- As is usual with right natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray. 像光明的天性通常那样,被卑鄙耻辱地锁在倏忽幻灭的肉体里的神明,像一道光线一样,从他身上射了出来。