- Ocean Engineering Corporations 海洋工程公司
- China Ocean Engineering Guangzhou Co. 中国海洋工程广州公司。
- Yantai Shunda Ocean Engineering Service Co., Ltd. 烟台顺达海洋工程服务有限责任公司。
- DALIAN COSCO RIKKY OCEAN ENGINEERING CO. 大连中远嘉洋工程有限公司的前身是南通嘉洋调速器有限公司
- The multi-objective optimization design of ocean engineering structure is studied from the view of Fuzzy Synthetic Decision (FSD). 本文从模糊综合评判的角度出发,研究了海洋工程结构的多目标优化设计方法。
- Both the postcards and Ocean Engineering invitation cards do not have envelopes. 静思语明信片及海洋工程系邀请柬都没有信封。
- The typhoon storm surge and the storm current are frequently natural hazards for the ocean engineering. 台风暴潮及风暴海流是危害海洋工程的主要灾害现象之一。
- China Empire Trading Co. is specialized in supplying marine &ocean engineering equipment and spare parts. 华帝贸易公司是从事船舶和海洋工程设备和备件贸易的专业公司。
- Wave steepness is an important characteristic of the severity of the sea state in ocean engineering. 摘要海浪的波陡是海洋工程所关注的1个重要的特征量。
- The Seller(vendor) is Toyo Engineering Corporation(TEC) of Japan. 卖方(卖主)是日本的东洋工程公司。(简称TEC)
- Jones,P.D.,”Tugboat Response in the Presence of Hydrodynamic Interaction”,MIT Ocean Engineering Thesis,May,1981. 曾庆耀、汪宏璋,”系统鑑定在操船模拟之应用”,海洋大学航运技术研究所硕士论文,中华民国八十一年六月。
- Ameco: Aircraft maintenance engineering corporation. 北京飞机维修工程有限公司。
- The seller (vendor) is Toyo Engineering Corporation (TEC) of Japan. 卖方(卖主)是日本的东洋工程公司(简称TEC)。
- Sulisz, W. and Hudspeth, R. T. (1993b) , Second-Order Wave Loads on Planar Wavemakers, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol.119, pp. 521-536. 陈俊玮(2005),平面水池非线性方向造波之理论解析。国立成功大学水利及海洋工程研究所,硕士论文。
- In 2005, ocean engineering subjects became part of Course 2 (Department of Mechanical Engineering), and this course was renumbered 2.080J. 在2005年时,海洋工程学系并入机械工程学系(代号2),因此本课题纳入2.;080J课程。
- Therefore, VIV of slender marine structures will remain as one of the most extensive research topics of ocean engineering in the coming years. 因此,细长海洋结构物的涡激振动仍将是未来几年里备受关注的研究课题。
- Hence, many blank Ocean Engineering invitation cards lost their use.I decided to recycle them into CNY greeting cards for our Tzu Chi volunteers. 因此,许多没用过的海洋工程系邀请柬失去了其作用,被推至于一旁。
- China National Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Corporation. 中国国家水资源和水电工程公司。
- Dalrymple, Robert A. (1988) “Model for Refraction of Water Waves” J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 114, No. 4, pp. 423-435. 涂宗男(2005)“不规则波作用下港湾波动之数值分析研究”,国立台湾海洋大学河海工程学系硕士论文。
- Young, I.R., 1999: Wind Generated Ocean Waves, Eds. R.Bhattacharyya and M.E. McCormick, Ocean Engineering Series, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 288 p. 水论坛,水利论坛,水电论坛,港航论坛,海洋论坛,河口论坛,海岸论坛