- Oedocladium protoneman. 原丝枝鞘藻
- The mature gametophyte plants develop from buds that form at several points along the protonema. 原丝体上形成1个或几个芽体,芽体进一步发育为配子体。
- Protonema The green, filamentous growth that arises from spore germination in liverworts and mosses and eventually gives rise to a mature gametophyte. 由叶苔或苔藓的孢子萌芽发展而成的绿色丝状生长物,最终发展成配子体。
- Describing the characters and developmental features of spore germination and protonema development of moss applied in this research by microscopy. 采用显微观察的方法具体描述了藓类植物孢子萌发与原丝体发育的特征及发育特点。
- The process from the spore germination and protonema growth to development of the gametophyte are illustrated and taken microphotographs. 在光学显微镜下对配子体发生进行了观察、描绘和照相。
- In plant kingdom, having a protonema stage after spore germination is a specific character of moss and a marked difference compared with other plant group. 在植物界,孢子萌发后的原丝体发育阶段是藓类植物所独有的特征,也是该类群区别于其它类群的一个显著特点。
- Take high quality homemade or import PAN (Polypropylene Nitrile) protonema (milk-white) Oxygenation disposes it into black bright long silk by the new type of beforehand oxygenation stove. 采用优质国产或进口PAN(聚丙烯腈)原丝(乳白色)通过新型预氧化炉,氧化处理而成黑色光亮长丝。
- Spore germination and protonema development have been considered to be one of the important characters in the phylogeny and evolution of major groups of the bryophytes and other plant groups. 摘要孢子萌发与原丝体发育对于研究苔藓植物以及其他植物类群的系统发育与系统演化有著十分重要的作用。
- Protonema (pl. protonemata) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination. 原丝体:苔藓植物中直接由孢子萌发形成的结构称为原丝体。
- Protonema (pl. protonemata) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination. The mature gametophyte plants develop from buds that form at several points along the protonema. 原丝体:苔藓植物中直接由孢子萌发形成的结构称为原丝体。原丝体上形成1个或几个芽体,芽体进一步发育为配子体。
- Effects of different media and enzymes on protonema of Physcomitrium sphaeri 不同培养基及酶对立碗藓原丝体的作用研究
- Study of Spore Germination and Protonema Development of Five Species of Mosses 五种藓类植物的孢子萌发与原丝体发育
- Effect of NAA on Spore Germination and Protonema Growth of Funaria hygrometrica 孢子萌发及原丝体生长的影响
- Study on the Characteristics of Protonema Development of Bryum uliginosum 垂蒴真藓原丝体发育特征的研究
- Keywords moss,spore germination,protonema development,gametophyte genesis; 藓类植物;孢子萌发;原丝体发育;配子体发生;
- Oedocladium 枝鞘藻属
- Oedocladium cirratumn. 卷曲枝鞘藻
- Effects of light and temperatures on spore germination and protonema development of Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis 光照和温度对尖叶拟船叶藓孢子萌发及原丝体发育的影响
- Oedocladium indicumn. 印度枝鞘藻
- Characteristics of Protonema Development of Submerged Culture in Dolichomitriopsis Diversiformis 尖叶拟船叶藓原丝体沉水培养的发育特征