- However, on one hand, most of the custom laws is institutionally based on the main ideology of the society and takes the official laws to maintain its own existence. 然而,大多数习惯法一方面以社会的主流意识形态作为其规范的基础,另一方面也借助官方的司法系统来维系自身的存在。
- On the jurisprudence perspective,the judicial practice could not simultaneously should not obey the logic of the statute law,or official law all the time. 从法理学角度来说,司法活动也不可能始终,同时也不应当始终沿着制定法、“应然法”所界定的逻辑行进。
- The Japanese scholar Masaji Chiba put forward a famous classified method of plural law: " three layers, each with two divisions ", namely, official law and unofficial law, legal rule and legal principle, regular law and transplanted law. 日本学者千叶正士提出了著名的“多元法律的三重二分法”,即官方法与非官方法、法律规则与法律原理、固有法与移植法。
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察负责执法。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- They expressed their dissent from official policy. 他们对官方的政策表示出异议。
- I am not really familiar with the local laws. 实际上我对当地的法律并不熟。
- His official designation is Financial Controller. 他的职称是财务总监。
- The President swings his weight to get laws passed. 总统运用权力使法律获得通过。
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- The government is tightening up the driving laws. 政府方面正抓紧驾驶法规的施行。
- They are the official school outfitters. 他们是指定的校服供应商。
- Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up. 反对虐儿童的法律应该严格执行。
- I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。
- Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau. 税务局:这里是涉外分局。
- Physics is governed by cosmic laws. 物理学受宇宙法则的制约。
- He leaves official document in his car. 他将官方文件丢在他汽车里。