- Founded in early 2006, the main business: oil drilling equipment and accessories, oil drilling fluid viscosity reducer, coating agents, fracturing to use oil products sales agents. 公司成立于2006年初,主营业务为:石油钻采设备及配件、石油钻井液用降粘剂、包被剂、采油用压裂转向剂等产品的销售。
- emulsified diesel oil drilling fluid 乳化柴油钻井液
- Methyl silicone oil polysulfonate drilling fluid. 产。甲基硅油聚磺高密度钻井液。
- Oil drilling fluid 酰胺基表面活性剂
- Oil drilling can result in harmful spillage. 钻井会造成有害物质的溢出;
- BZ 34-2EP-P1S drilling fluid technology. BZ34-2EP-P1S井钻井液技术
- The drilling fluid is described by Casson fluid. 采用卡森流体描述钻井液。
- Mainly used for marines and sea oil drilling platforms. 船用电热带主要用于船舶、海洋钻井平台。
- Wettability reversal agent is an important additive for oil base drilling fluid. 对于油基钻井液而言润湿反转剂是一种重要的处理剂。
- The company's main business is on-shore oil drilling. 这家公司的主要业务是陆地石油钻探。
- A novel filtration reducing agent NJ-1 for drilling fluid. 新型降滤失剂NJ-1的研究与应用
- Caveney echoed calls for increased U.S. oil drilling. 卡夫尼也呼吁增加对美国国内石油资源的开采。
- Inhibiting effect mechanism of biopolymer MEG drilling fluid. 生物聚合物甲基葡萄糖甙钻井液抑制机理
- Drilling Fluid Technology of Well QATIF-894 in Saudi Arabia. 沙特阿拉伯QATIF-894井钻井液工艺技术
- Brake pin of oil drill had fractured in procession of work. 石油钻机刹车盘销轴在工作过程中断裂。
- Preparation,control and maintenance for emulsified drilling fluid will directly affect the forecast on oil and gas. 乳化钻井液的配制、监控、维护直接影响油气的发现。
- The concentrations of anion and cation in drilling fluid of oil field were analyzed by ion chromatography. 应用离子色谱法分析钻井液中阴阳离子的含量,关键在于钻井液的预处理。
- President Bush has lift ed an executive ban on offshore oil drilling. 布什总统解除了关于对外传输石油的行政禁令。
- The drilling fluid may interact with the surrounding rock in other ways. 钻井液可能会以其它方式与周围的岩石相互作用。
- This allows the drilling fluid to suspend cuttings when drilling stops. 这一特性使钻井液在钻探停止时仍能使钻屑悬浮于其中。