- Old Church Slavic 古代教会斯拉夫语(9世纪用于圣经翻译的南部斯拉夫语言)
- The old church is leaning to one side. 那座古老教堂逐渐向一边倾斜。
- I can't picture the village without the old church. 我无法设想村子里没有那座旧教堂像什麽样子
- There was an air of sanctity in the old church. 这所古老的教堂内有一种神圣的气氛。
- As the years passed, the old church crumbled. 随着岁月的流逝,旧教堂倒塌了。
- The door of the old church was embellished with decorations. 老教堂的门是用雕饰美化的。
- Behind the new railways station stood an old church. 在新火车站后矗立着一座老教堂。
- The priest has been translated from his old church to this area. 这位牧师从他原来的教堂调到了这一地区。
- We have to buttress up the old church as it is beginning to lean. 我们必须加固这座古老的教堂,因为它开始倾斜了。
- Here was an old church, quaint and rambling and gabled. 这里是一个古老的教堂,建筑式样离奇、散乱,三角墙的屋顶。
- Here was an old church, quait and rambling and gabled. 这儿有一座不很整齐的,砌着三角墙的,古色古香的老教堂。
- He fought tooth and nail to stop the county from pulling down the old church. 他竭力阻止县里拆除那座老教堂。
- I like listening to the chimes given out by the old church clock in our village. 我喜欢聆听我们村教堂里古老的钟所发出的和谐钟声。
- We'll build a big bonfire, high as the old church spire,And we'll burn the bloody bastards one by one. 由于共产主义对知识分子的吸引力在很多国家比对工人的吸引力更大,所以所仇恨的阶级通常也是多种多样的。
- The town's claim to fame is that it has the country's oldest church. 这个市镇之所以出名,是因为它有全国最古老的教堂。
- Old churches have a certain strange fascination for me. 旧教堂对我具有某种奇特的魅力。
- The church where they held the wedding is the oldest church in Oldenburg. 回到新郎的家里我们要为下午在教堂举行的仪式作准备。
- As to saying a few idle words about us, we must not mind that ,any more than the old church steeple minds the rooks cawing about it . 别人说几句关于我们的闲话,我们根本就不必理会,它就像围绕在老教堂的尘塔周围呱呱叫的乌鸦一样。
- About the year 750, that same emperor who so hated holy images restored this fine old church, Saint Irene's in Constantinople. 公元750年左右,同一个憎恨圣像的皇帝修复了君士坦丁堡的圣伊林娜教堂。
- The conjunction of Soapy's receptive state of mind and the influences about the old church wrought a sudden and wonderful change in his soul. 索比的敏感心情同老教堂的潜移默化交融在一起,使他的灵魂猛然间出现了奇妙的变化。