- On Art of Chinese Earthenware 试论中国的彩陶艺术
- Sun Tzu on Art of War is referred to as the "guide to modem business war" in business circles. 摘要《孙子兵法》被商界称为“现代商战中的指南”。
- Thirdly, the abstract Art of Chinese Ink and wash in contemporary period. 三、当代艺术阶段的抽象水墨。
- This class introduces the art of Chinese Knotting and weaving techniques. 介绍及研习传统编结艺术,进而实际手编新款编结式样。
- Cartons of Chinese food were arrayed on the table. 中国式盒饭摆满一桌。
- He is the author of three books on art. 他写了三本艺术专著。
- In the art of Chinese classical garden, hearing and vision are usually interwoven. 在园林中听觉与视觉往往是交织在一起的。
- Mrs. Miller is very keen on art. 米勒太太对艺术很感兴趣。
- Its focus is the art of the Tang dynasty, the high point of Chinese cosmopolitan culture. 这一展览的焦点是唐代的艺术品,这是中国普世文化的高峰。
- That period was a bright page in the history of Chinese literature. 那个时期是中国文学史上光辉的一页。
- The art of preparing and dispensing drugs. 配药学,制药业制配药品的科学
- Learn the art of Chinese marionette making while listening to the tales of Zhong Kui the Ghostbuster and the Little Monk. Who knows? 导师精心挑选了锺馗及小和尚下山的故事作为示,让学员一边听听故事,一边学习制造和控制提线木偶。
- He's practising up on the art of self-defence. 他正在练习自卫术。
- The bronze ware was replaced by the iron ware at the end of Zhanguo Dynasty.The art of Chinese bronze ware is unexampled in the history of the world. 中国的青铜艺术,虽然在世界范围而言,其出现不算最早,但其造物规模和在艺术上的巨大成就却是无可比拟的。
- If you get him talking on art, he is soon out of his depth. 如果你和他谈论艺术, 他很快就不知该如何作答了。
- As a traditional culture of Chinese writing, the art of lantern riddles has its distinctive contemporaneity and folkways. 摘要灯谜是一种中华传统汉字文化艺术,从它的诞生、发展来看,它具有鲜明的时代性、民俗性和艺术性。
- The art of creating such representations. 漫画手法创造漫画或讽刺文章的艺术
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 这是收藏的一批中国玉器。
- He sets himself up as an authority on art. 他自命为艺术方面的权威。
- On Art of the Separated Numbers In Chinese Poems 论中国诗歌中的析数艺术