- On Nature of Commercial Law 论商法的本质
- Nature of commercial law is the inherent characteristics which can distinguish commercial law from other law. 商法的本质是指商法区别于其它法律的内在的质的规定性。
- Is Legal Nature of Commercial Ads Offer Invitation? 商业广告的法律性质是要约邀请吗?
- nature of commercial law 商法本质
- This book is the second edition of Commercial Law: In Principle in the popular I. 商法原则,第二版。
- And the paper emphatically discusses legal system of commercial name of Aomen Commercial Law in our country. 并同时总结性的指出了我国商号法律保护的不足之处,也简要分析了出现如此现状的原因。
- According to the complexity of Commercial Law, scholars are at a loss of how to define it and the codification of it. 摘要商法的定位及商法法典化等问题是争论颇多,以致学者们深感困惑的问题。
- In the present age, many new theories design to negate the independence and civil law character of commercial law by distorting its conception. 我国学界多以商事关系来作为商法概念界定的基础,但是,由于对商事关系内容的不同理解,又使得学界对商法概念难以有一致的理解。
- The existence of the relationship between connected parties is likely to cause the loss of commercial nature of non-monetary assets transaction. 关联方关系的存在可能导致发生的非货币性资产交换不具有商业实质。
- He knows nothing of the nature of my work. 他一点也不了解我的工作性质。
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- Chemists study the nature of gases. 有的化学家研究气体的性质。
- In Japan, the crime of bribery concerning public officers is ordained in criminal law while crimes of commercial bribery are included in accessory criminal law such as commercial law. 日本刑法典中仅规定了有关公务员的贿赂犯罪,商业贿赂方面的犯罪则规定在《商法》等附属刑法之中。
- If you require any maintenance or repairing service, charge will be pendent on nature of the causes. 日后有问题需要维护则要视状况收费或不收费.
- The Frontier of Civil and Commercial Law. 民商法前沿。
- He can't apprehend the real nature of change. 他不能理解变革的真实性质。
- The value of sliding friction depends on nature of the two surfaces which touch each other. 华东摩擦力的大小取决于两接触面的自然属性。
- Q: Reflections on the nature of love. 问:你认为爱的本质是什么?。
- Of, based on, or of the nature of an opinion. 固执的,武断的拥有或坚持一种观点的
- Business: the Core Concept of Commercial Law Theory 营业:商法理论的核心范畴