- Theory and legislation on the subject of civil law II. 民事主体理论与立法研究2。
- On Subject of Civil Law 论民事主体
- Petition right on property is the focus of civil law study. 物权请求权成为了民法学研究的重点。
- Bachelor of Canon Law, Bachelor of Civil Law J.C.D. 民法学学士。
- Doctor of Canon Law; Doctor of Civil Law J.D. 民法学博士。
- Convention on the Settlement by Arbitration of civil law disputes result. 以仲裁解决由经济及科技合作导致的民事争议之公约。
- The theory and legislation on subject matter of property right have not drawn substantial attention in civil law research in China. 财产权客体的理论和立法问题在我国民法界尚未引起实质上的重视。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- The purpose of civil law is to compensate; criminal law to punish. 民法的作用是补偿,刑法的作用是惩罚。
- We bantered Nick on the subject of marriage. 我们就婚姻问题取笑尼克。
- It also produces special reports on subjects of interest to the government. 同时也就政府关注的事项,编写专题报告。
- Tort law is perhaps the broadest and most volatile area of civil law. 可以说,侵权法可能是民法中范围最广、又最缺少稳定性的领域。
- He seems unduly reticent on the subject of his past. 他似乎对他过去的事情讳莫如深。
- The value and system of civil law need transfix with culture of civil law. 摘要民法价值和制度之间需要民法文化来贯通。
- The twelve States in the area have used Sharia in cases of civil law. 这个地区的12个州都把伊斯兰教法作为民法。
- On the subject of funds, you may consult with Mr White. 关于资金问题,你可以与怀特先生商量。
- An applicant under discrimination is the subject of law enforement or the principle of civil action may appeal in accordance with this law within one year from the commencement date of the law enforement or the lawsuit. 受到歧视的申请人作为执法对象或民事诉讼主体,根据本法令规定可在执法开始或诉讼开始之日一年内进行上诉。
- The board turn down all approach on the subject of merger. 董事长拒绝了有关合并事宜的任何协商。
- The General Rules of Civil Law has formulated two imputation criteria, ie, "fault" and "law specially regulated". 摘要民法通则设置了两个归责标准,即“过错”和“法律特别规定”。
- Providing practice for students in answering questions on subjects of general academic interest. 让学生练习回答一些普遍关注的问题。