- On design of network course 谈网络课程设计
- Study on Model Design of Network Course 网络课程制作模板的设计研究
- The research on design of Network Video Courses is a new field, with few academic monographs or achievements in the respect, therefore, the paper is simply an explorative attempt. 网络视频课程的设计研究还是一个崭新的领域,这方面的学术论文或专著研究成果还比较少,因此本论文的研究也只是一个探索性的初步尝试。
- Discussion on Design of Metro Electro. 浅谈地铁变配电系统设计。
- Research on Design of Beamsplitter in Confocal Biochip Scanner[J]. 引用该论文 李映笙;倪旭翔;陆祖康;王立强.
- The Ethernet Interface Design Of Networked Intelligent Sensor. 网络化智能传感器中以太网接口设计。
- Technical and Economic Analysis on Design of Production Pipe Line of C.P.P. 选煤厂生产管道设计的技术经济分析。
- It has a discussion on design of mercerized cotton knitted T-skirt fabric. 介绍了生产丝光棉T恤衫面料的单面针织圆机的基本结构和常见针织圆机的种类。
- Studies on the landscape design of golf course. 高尔夫球场的景观设计浅论。
- Study on Design of Sloping Stable Forest Structure in Hilly-Gullied Area of Loess Plateau. 黄土丘陵沟壑区坡面稳定林分结构设计研究。
- The study on design of ERF damper under the big impact has the vital significance. 研究用于数控机床实时减振系统所需的电流变液阻尼器。
- In design of network throughput control, we abide by follow disciplines: (1) reliable. 在网络流量控制的设计上,我们遵循的原则是(1)安全可靠性。
- The results obtained in this paper can be used as reference on design of subsea pipe with spoiler. 研究结果对于带阻流板海底管道的工程设计具有一定的参考价值。
- Accoreing to the results of analysis,some improvment opinions on design of the derrick were raiaed. 并从整体角度分析了绷绳的作用;
- DCOM Based on Designing of Networking Motion Controller 基于DCOM分布组件技术的网络化运动控制器设计
- It emphatically describes the configuration of software and hardware and the design of network communication based on the Profibus-DP. 重点阐述了该系统基于Profibus-DP总线的软硬件配置及网络通信的设计。
- It is a useful tool for the analysis, comparison and design of network structures in that it simplifies complex species to schematized reference nets. 它是分析,比较和设计网状结构有用的工具,因为他能将复杂的结构简化成图表式的网状结构。
- Design of a General Term Checking System in a Network Course 网络课程通用术语查询系统设计
- This course focuses on the design of control systems. 这个课程著重于控制系统之设计。
- This paper introduces an overall design of simulation platform of a distributed tactical antiaircraft C3I system,and gives particularly the scheme of network platform. 详细给出了分布式战术防空C3I系统仿真平台构建的总体设计及具体的网络平台方案。