- On stress response of fishes 鱼类的应激反应
- The content of glycogen could be seen as an important target in both degree of starvation and compensatory growth in fish, while ACP and ALP play important roles in stress response of fish. 糖原的含量可作为鱼类饥饿程度和补偿性生长的一个重要指标,ACP和ALP在鱼类的应激反应中具有重要作用。
- Effect of psychological supportive therapy on stress response of patients under mechanical ventilation 心理支持疗法对机械通气患者应激反应的影响
- Inhibition Effects of Recombination Human Growth Hormone and TPN on Stress Response of Postoperative Gastrointestinal Carcinoma Patients TPN联合生长激素对胃肠道恶性肿瘤患者术后应激反应的抑制作用
- Selenoprotein S1 (SEPS1), a novel gene involved in the stress response of endoplasmic reticulum and inflammation control. 一种新发现的对内质网的应激反应和炎症控制起作用的基因。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- By using this program, stress response of buttresses is computed with longitudinal and transverse earthquake waves and some valuable results are obtained. 利用该程序计算了顺河向及横河向地震作用支墩的动应力响应,得出了一些有价值的结论。
- A number of fish were flopping on the deck. 数条鱼在甲板上啪啪乱跳。
- The fisherman's house smells of fish. 渔民家总有股鱼腥味。
- Wolf AR,Eyres RI,Laussen PC,et al.Effect of extradural analgesia on stress responses to abdominal surgery in infants[J]. 葛宁花,薛张纲,蒋豪.;硬膜外阻滞复合全身麻醉对血流动力学和血管外肺水的影响[J]
- She put a plate of fish on the table. 她把一盘鱼放在桌子上。
- Objective:To study the pathophysiologic role of glutamate (Glu) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the stress response of central nervous system (CNS) in acute cerebral ischemia. 目的:探索谷氨酸(Glu)和促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)在急性脑缺血及其应激反应中的病理生理学意义。
- Scientists have studied the migration of fish over long distances. 科学家研究过鱼类远距离回游的现象。
- Stress response of Italica in response to drought shows the roots synthesize the drying signal ( ABA to communicate with shoots only after significant deficit of plant water status. 随后ABA水平逐渐降低并恢复至对照水平,叶片的气孔导度和气体交换也随之明显回升。
- This kind of fish lives in fresh water. 这种鱼生活在淡水中。
- We brought home a big haul of fish. 我们捕了一大网鱼运回家来。
- Effects of Ca~(2+) on EOG response of Tilapia sp. Ca~(2+)对罗非鱼嗅电图的影响
- They netted a good haul of fish. 他们捕了满满一网鱼。
- In order to assess the effect of caudal block on stress responses to upper abdominal surgery in children, we have measured the perioperative changes of plasma ACTH, COR, IL -6, CRP values, average artery blood pressure and heart rate. 本文通过观察围术期血浆促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、皮质醇(COR)、C反应蛋白(CRP)、白介素-6(IL-6)含量及血压和脉搏的变化,评价全麻复合0.;3%25罗哌卡因骶管阻滞对小儿上腹部手术围术期应激反应的影响。
- The river teems with all kinds of fish in summer. 夏天这条河里各种各样的鱼多得很。