- The rise of oil costs reacted on the price of food. 石油价格的上涨对食品的价格有影响。
- The rise in oil cost react on the price of food. 油价上涨影响食物价格。
- The number of casualties is still on the rise. 伤亡人数不断攀升.
- The rise in oil costs reacted on the price of food. 油价上涨影响食物价格。
- On the night of National Day we watch fireworks. 在国庆节晚上我们看烟火。
- Illnesses attributable to fatness are on the rise. 因肥胖导致的疾病正在上升。
- Crude oil costs are 3) on the rise . 原油价格正在攀升。
- Marriages, indeed, are on the rise. 结婚人数确实呈上升趋势。
- Attacks against ethnic minorities are on the rise. 针对少数民族的袭击行为正在增加。
- Third, scepticism seems to be on the rise. 第三,是似显上升的怀疑态度。
- Already, Euroscepticism is on the rise. 欧洲怀疑主义思潮已经开始抬头。
- Xenophobic populism is on the rise in Europe. 仇外的民粹主义在欧洲泛起;
- In other words, decentralism is on the rise. 这就是说,分散主义发展了。
- Why Divorce Rate Is on the Rise? 离婚率为什么上升?
- Industrial demand for fuel is on the rise. 工业对燃料的需求正在增长。
- We always have a fireworks display on the evening of National Day. 每逢国庆节晚上都要放礼花。
- Not really, but they are on the rise. 并不是很多。不过正在不断上升。
- Wages have been on the rise in the past few years. 过去几年来工资在增加。
- Such "princelings" appear to be on the rise. 这种“新贵”阶层的地位正在不断上升。
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。